Virginia tech Transfer students

<p>well I applied as an electrical engineering to clarify, I don’t want u thinking i was a comp engr!! but yeah your schedule looks pretty good…</p>

<p>General Chem and Chem for ENGR are basically the same class, the only difference is that chem for engr has less guidelines because they dont have a standardized test they have to take at the end and also so the professor can relate it more to engineering… They cover the same stuff and I would say Chem for engr is just as hard as any general chem class. I took chem for engr and struggled to get an A-</p>

<p>It is hard for me to really say if your schedule is 100% good cuz I researched my courses towards Tech’s ee department. BUT it does look solid, You have the physics, calc 1 and calc 2, english 101/102 and intro to engr classes. I saw online that my ece 101 class transfers as an ece elective, so it may transfer as an elective for you as well…but i can not say for sure. I really think you are better off taking the ECE 1574 Engineering Problem Solving with C++ rather than ece 101… I went to that transfer equivalency link i gave you and they don’t even have that class listed -___- Sometimes that site does mess up like that but in general it is good… I would email tech asking them for what is the GMU equivalent of the ECE 1574 class and explain to them that you looked at the transfer site and it doesn’t even have the class listed under tech lol. </p>

<p>Your schedule as of now looks pretty good (to me) but I think it would look great if you could find that gmu course equivalent of ece 1574 and take it.</p>

<p>Word of advice** Use the site to do some research on which teachers to take…It can make your life so much easier if you avoid bad teachers!
But also sometimes a teacher may get bad reviews just cuz lazy students didn’t want to put the effort into it, but it still gives u a general idea of a teacher. </p>

<p>**When you take physics second semester, don’t be scared of Professor Oerter ( he got awful reviews online in the years of like 2006-2009 ) I am in his class and he is great! It is still fairly hard and time consuming and it takes a lot of studying to keep up, but he keeps the tests fair</p>

<p>& for your physics Lab don’t take Jazeeri! He is not a good professor, i switched into this Grad student’s class (Kroon) and he is so much better lol</p>

<p>It also may be a good idea to email tech showing them what classes you plan on taking at GMU and asking them for any input</p>

<p>Good luck on transfering BUKLAU!!</p>

<p>Oh and to answer your last couple questions, you will be behind at GMU by maybe a couple classes…but really it is worth it to try to transfer to tech. I took the two classes over the second semester of english cuz I had an AWFUL english 101 teacher first semester and just made my life hell and I wanted to avoid that crap again lol. But i did not just take any two random classes, i made sure the two classes transfered to tech and that they were under the general areas of studies that tech recommends in the sample schedule. </p>

<p>I noticed that on the GMU sample schedule for you it says to take Micro ECON 103…That is one of the classes I signed up for right now and it does transfer to tech for en ee major! You should double check but I don’t see why it would not transfer for you as well. If you want to you should look into taking econ 103…and take it with Donald Boudreaux! The tests are kinda easy kinda not, but he curves a lot lol. the last test he curved 18% hahahahaha. </p>

<p>And really I can not stress enough how you have to study a lot…I mean you may be smarter than me and won’t have to study as much…But I studied A LOT like more than i ever thought i could. But i did that cuz i really wanted tech.</p>

<p>Thank youu! </p>

<p>I had a 3.2 GPA in highschool. 4.0 first semester in college. 1800 SAT. Out of state. Female. Editor in chief of school newspaper. Really involved in competitive horseback riding. </p>

<p>Good luck :]</p>

<p>Who would you say the best professors are for the classes if there are multiple options? For the ones you didn’t mention. And is it ok to skip engl 102 even if it’s under tech’s? Do you think comp science I would cover that c++ class (although I will def email tech) But yeah I will def check that professor website.</p>

<p>stoked right now on next year!</p>

<p>So i emaield tech admissions, they responded said that I should be notified any day now but there is no change to my application status page, no hokie bird or anything. Does this mean bad news? also how was everybody else notified?</p>

<p>Nope I’m still waiting but nothing on my status page has been changed.</p>

<p>Umm I had cozzins for chem… He was not to good lol and for Calculus 1 and 2 all that matters is that you DO NOT take Griva… He is rediculously hard</p>

<p>I have no idea if the c++ class will cover it…I have friends in that class right now and they say it’s fairly difficult, so expect a lot of studying </p>

<p>I was really worried about skipping englihs 102, but i still got in! I think if u want a surer bet you should take it</p>

<p>Anyone know if it is wayyy too late to sign up for scholarships? I need money lol.</p>

<p>is there facebook group for transfers?</p>

<p>i just checked there is one for 2013 and 2012…not 2014! someone make one lol!</p>

<p>My admission letter came in the mail today, so hard copies have gone out!</p>

<p>is anyone having trouble accessing their status page? mine says “you are not authorized to view any student information”</p>



<p>i’m having the same issue. if it’s the both of us, then odds are its a problem on their part (i hope).</p>

<p>spark10 and belief,</p>

<p>I’m having the same issue too.</p>

<p>I’m having the same issue. I’m sure it’s a technical issue.</p>

<p>omg such a relief! I am getting the same message of “You are not authorized to view any student info.” I emailed them right now and i’ll be sure to call tomorrow morning too to ask them what’s up… I got my acceptance in the mail already so I am almost sure its a tech issue on their part…</p>

<p>any updates on a status page yet</p>

<p>so i got accepted too! :)</p>

<p>but right after i sent my application in, i got a strike at my school for drinking in the dorms. do i have to tell Virginia tech this? because i don’t like want them to do a background check, and like blackball me or something. and i don’t want them to take my acceptance away! what do i do and who should i tell?</p>

<p>you should tell them but I actually had the same incident and the advisor said that they usually just pass it off since they have had more than a few things like this happen</p>