Virginia Tech vs Minnesota CPE(undergrad)

I have been admitted into Vtech and Minnesota-Twin cities for general engineering and computer engineering respectively.
.I wanted to know which university would be better for computer engineering (undergrad) .I am an international student.
I am worried for major selection in Virginia Tech.

Better? Both universities are good and the experiences will be very similar as both are considered “land grant” universities, i.e., public universities with a mission to conduct research. Minnesota is super cold in the winter. Virginia Tech is cold and windy but Minnesota winters are brutal. If you are from a Scandinavian country you will be right at home in Minnesota. If you are from a warm climate Minnesota winters will be a character building experience.

Selecting a major in the college of engineering is not really an issue unless you are struggling in your first year courses. If you are struggling that much then the college worries more whether you can handle the upper level engineering courses.