Virginia Tech vs. Ohio State vs. Clemson

<p>Sorry to start yet another thread, but i must know.</p>

<p>For engineering. Right now VTech is top of the list, but i am strongly considering clemson and ohio state as well (mostly for financial reasons). Any one have an opinion, assuming cost were the same, as to which school would be better for me. </p>

<p>base it on this criteria (going into chemical or mechanical engineering):</p>

job recruiting
actual learning experience (e.g. student to faculty ratio, renowned professors, etc.)
rural, safe, laid back environment
party scene is good, but people actually study too
diverse, but fairly conservative
good sports..... (o wait...they all three fit that :D)</p>

<p>those are some of my criteria, but feel free to add any other opinions based on experience with the schools. I have been accepted to all three and I am visiting osu and clemson this weekend. Any input is appreciated!</p>

<p>I think the "prestige factor" is based on where you live. At the end of the day, you can't go wrong with any of these choices. However, if you want to end up (job wise) in Virginia/DC Metro area, definitely go with Tech. In this area it's engineering school is hughly respected and you'll have a large alumni base for networking. If you definitely want engineering, I would go with Tech or Clemson these are well regarded technical schools. </p>

<p>That said, Clemson and Tech are very similar in many ways. They are both very rural, great sports, fairly conservative, great school spirit,-- students love the school. Tech is a pretty campus, one of the nicest in the nation. Blacksburg is very small, but bigger than Clemson (there's next to nothing in Clemson.) </p>

<p>Go visit all 3 and see if you get the "feeling" this is the place for me --</p>