Virtual High School

I just wanted to tell everyone about a program at my school called Virtual High School. Recently my school was able to offer this to the students. The website is <a href=“”></a> I HIGHLY recommend you check it out.

This is a great way to take a more unique course that may not be avaliable at your high school or if you have scheduling conflicts. I was one of the first 5 students in the school to try this out. Basically you take a class with other high school students from anywhere from california to texas. This is a cool concept because its an online class especially for high school students. Im geussing it is much easier than taking an online class through a college.

If you have any questions feel free to IM me.

Last semester i took economics and next semester i will be taking a class about the stock market. Its awesome because i want to go to an undergrad business school but my school does not offer any business classes besides ACCT.

i’m doing something quite similar to earn my highschool diploma, it seems to be working out quite nicely as well. it provides good flexibility, schedule at my own pace, and has really helped to enforce self discipline.