Virus on Accepted Student Website?

<p>has anyone else had trouble with adware installing automatically on their computers when logging into the admitted students website and when creating a SUNid?</p>

<p>Nope, but then again, I'm using a Mac . . .</p>

<p>But then again macs are for inferiors, sooo......</p>

<p>Right, because Windows OSes like Vista and ME are known for their stability . . .</p>

<p>Not to mention the virus/spyware magnet that is Internet Explorer. I'm willing to bet the programmers in Cupertino developed Safari for Winblows out of pity for IE users.</p>

<p>I think I'll let Sheed persist in his/her delusion. After all, ignorance is bliss.</p>

<p>Except Linux will crap on all of that...sooo GET BIG! (I never brought windows up)</p>

<p>and firefox on windows is a lot better than safari. that's not even a question.</p>

<p>Ok ok, good point. (statistically i had to guess windows)</p>

<p>But on your second point, Safari actually performs better in tests. Apple</a> - Safari 3 Public Beta</p>

<p>I really dont want to start a flame war, though, and neither of us (as far as I can tell) are that serious, so this is my last post on this topic.</p>

<p>Haha - I agree with dsm3, Sheed, I assumed you were a Windows user -- mea culpa. </p>

<p>But yeah, in relation to the OP, I had to log onto the admit site at work using XP, and I didn't have any problems with that either, so it might be an existing spyware issue.</p>

<p>Feature</a> by feature: Firefox vs. Safari : Mozilla Links</p>

<p>what a corruption of the initial idea of this thread :)</p>

<p>Sheed whips out Linux, the internets shut up =D</p>

<p>lol. YES!!!!! And my bad, with kinda not talking about the main problem :(</p>