Visiting NU

<p>I have gone to the NU website and found out the various tours and info sessions available. But I wasn't able to get the answer to the following question: </p>

<p>Do they allow prospective students to sit in on classes?</p>

<p>I know that if you end up doing an overnight with a current student, he/she will take you to classes, but I dont know if they will arrange it for you outside of that. You could always just send your child to sit in on a random one, if the class is larger than 20 people probably wont notice.</p>

<p>My friend, who hosted me when I visited, let me tag along to one of his sociology classes. Your host just has to ask the professor if it’s okay (and it should be), and then you can sit in. I don’t know if NU does official sit-ins for prospective students, but this is the best way to do it.</p>

<p>you can always sit in, but you should contact the professor first.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that when we visited the Adm. Office gave us a list of classes that my daughter could sit in on (or they directed us to a list on their site - can’t remember which.). We didn’t do it, but I’m pretty sure we had the option.
Just call or e-mail them and ask - they’re very helpful.</p>