<p>Can anyone give me a good website with some common words of the SAT??I have been memorizing words from McGraw-Hill's book and none of these words were in the SAT when I took it on Oct and Dec!</p>
<p>Can anyone give me a good website with some common words of the SAT??I have been memorizing words from McGraw-Hill's book and none of these words were in the SAT when I took it on Oct and Dec!</p>
<p>sparknote’s 1000 words.</p>
<p>Here’s a site that has “reasonable” words, not the ridiculous ones: [5000</a> FREE SAT Vocabulary Words + SAT Test Prep Math Notes](<a href=“http://www.freevocabulary.com/]5000”>http://www.freevocabulary.com/).</p>
<p>Is that good?</p>
<p><a href=“http://img.sparknotes.com/content/testprep/pdf/sat.vocab.pdf[/url]”>http://img.sparknotes.com/content/testprep/pdf/sat.vocab.pdf</a></p>
<p>i memorized the hit parade and its helped me a ton in the BB tests… i duno about the real SAT yet. 1000 words would be a ***** to memorize but its worth it if you can do it</p>