<p>I have memorized RR's Core Words and PR's Hit Parade, yet I still lose a number of points on the sentence completitions. I write my SAT in a week, and am wondering what you would do to improve my score. Like is it worth it for me to start on sparknotes 1000 words even though in all likelyhood i wont finish it in a week?</p>
<p>Why are you missing them? Was it truly because you didn’t understand all the words?</p>
<p>yea basically, like i understand a word or so on the hard questions, but usually its not the right word haha. like hit parade and RR only make up about 500 words, would you say thats enough to study. Right now I am going through both lists and pounding the words into my head so I forsure know the definition and do not get the words mixed up but am wondering weather another big word list would work well?</p>
<p>If you aren’t understanding the words, then I guess you must move on to the bigger lists. Sparknotes is good. But don’t try for all 1000 words. I’d say 20-30 words per day is stretching the limit.</p>