Vocabulary on the SAT- Poll

<p>Instead of memorising 3500 words, how many of u think it is better to use a good vocabulary builder?
Assuming we have a few months ahead to prepare.
Has any1 tried it b4?
I just do not believe in the hit and run method of memorising long lists and faintly recollecting them on the test day as though they were a fact or rule like in science.
For pete's sake they are expressions or ideas which need to be learnt just as we did learn our first words. Like disaster and catastrophe (maybe those sound a little negative, nevertheless)</p>

<p>For me, memorizing those 3,500 vocabs seems ineffective and almost impossible to remember them later. I tried to memorize or at least read through the important words(I did with Barron's book and they had marks in front of the important vocabs) and rather focused on prefixes, roots and stems, and suffixes thoroughly. It did help, in fact, and you never know what vocabs you are gonna get on your actual test and surely you can't know all the words in the passages or whatever.</p>