Volunteer Hours?

<p>I'm currently a college freshman majoring in biology, but I'm actually more interested in nursing. Luckily for me, my school has a nursing program, but it's pretty tough to get into. I want to start volunteering or interning to get some experience.</p>

<p>If I volunteer at a hospital, is there any volunteer work that specifically related to a nurse's job? I'm also interested in pediatrics and labor & delivery. Would it be possible to have volunteer work related to those specialties? What were some of your volunteer experiences?</p>

<p>D did exactly what you’d like to do, during this past summer.(between junior and senior year of HS)…Not sure if you can actually pick and choose labor and delivery/pediatrics,but D volunteered in those programs…</p>

<p>Choose a local hospital, and look online for their volunteer hours NOW. Near us, even volunteer jobs fill up quickly and if you wait until May or June you may find that they are gone. </p>

<p>Also, there may be various groups that contract with the hospital. Last year, D1 got a job with the group that does logistics for the ER even though she was too young to qualify for any job that the hospital itself would have hired for.</p>

<p>I can’t really think of any volunteer opportunities that would be needed in L & D but I’m sure in Pediatrics there must be some. You might contact the head nurse on Pediatrics and ask her what she would like to see on her unit. Perhaps story hour where you could read to the kids or if you play an instrument that might be fun. You would have to be an official hospital volunteer to work there but with a little brainstorming you could come up with something to offer.</p>

<p>As far as voluteering to do something in nursing, in someways it is helpful to just be a fly on the wall. Observe and take in how the nurses interact with the kids, parents and doctors. Which nurses seem to be the strongest role models and why. How do the nurses give care to those kids who are more ill than others. Learning tasks is really just practice, learning to be an effective nurse is what really takes skill.</p>

<p>I wan to be an engineer.Does anyone has an idea of where i can volunteer</p>

<p>Depending on the type of engineer you want to be will decide the area. Engineers need to know how to construct things and decide on the strength or type of materials that will solve the job. Knowledge and experience building will give you exposure. If it is civil engineering voluteer at habitat for humanity where they rebuild buildings. There is also ACE mentors to check out [ACE</a> Mentor Program](<a href=“http://www.acementor.org/]ACE”>http://www.acementor.org/)</p>

<p>If it is mechanical, go to some type of machine shop even engine repair. (ever watch Orange county chopper? the guys designing the motorcycle engines are mechanical engineers). Computer engineering, volunteer at one of those computer repair places ie Microcenter to hang out with a Geek squad employee. Good luck!</p>

<p>You should probably be asking that question in the engineering subforum, rather than the nursing subforum.</p>