What other volunteer stuff can I do?

<p>I'm going into nursing for my major and I am hoping I can make it into UCLA's nursing program as a transfer student! :D
What volunteer stuff can I do other than volunteering at the local hospital and joining med/health related clubs?

<p>Volunteering at a nursing home could be a good idea. D found that the nursing professors and admissions offices that she talked to were really excited about her interest in geriatrics. There’s a huge need, but many nursing students are interested in pediatrics or other more “exciting” or glamorous jobs. </p>

<p>Shadowing experiences are also a good idea.</p>

<p>Nursing homes are definitely the best way to go! I had done clinical rotations as a junior in HS at a hospital for 4 or so months. All I did was follow people around and I felt useless because I wasn’t allowed to do much.</p>

<p>At a nursing home however, I got to do all kinds of things.Honestly, because of shortage of staff and everyone being so tired. The nurses and patients a were all very appreciative. I did bed baths ,vitals, showers ,transfers, and pericare.</p>

<p>If you enjoy being at a nursing home, it’ll definitely show your devotion to nursing. Geriatrics is often thought of the grimist of areas. It’s sad, stressful, and gross to many. Even people at the hospital warned me about going to a nursing home. It was really satisfying nonetheless and helped me to get admitted to all of my schools.</p>

<p>Im looking into nursing too and i want to get into UCLA’s nursing program.
Im a junior and i was wondering what volunteer stuff i could do that would look strong on my application and, if sunnybaNANA got in, ANY TIPS?
help pleasee!</p>

<p>You could volunteer as an EMT with your local fire department. Different fire departments will have different age and time requirements but it may be possible. You could also look for other health related classes that may be held over the summer or on weekends. A girl I know took a week long course in learning to be a wilderness first-responder and loved it. </p>

<p>Every hospital, hospice, and nursing home will have some kind of volunteer positions available too. Besides the experience, they’re useful for getting used to some of the bureaucracy that faces anyone in the health field (D had to have not one, but two, TB skin tests before they would let her volunteer at the hospital; had to also get CPR certified, etc.)</p>

<p>collegerookie! I’ll be a freshman in UCLA’s nursing program this fall, feel free to PM me with and specific questions. (:</p>


<p>Okay, thank you so much! im trying to find what i can do that wont take a lot of time to be certified. Hospitals would be great and as for the nursing homes, i should just be able to walk in and help out, right? :slight_smile:
Also, how long was the processes for your D before she got the hospital to let her volunteer? Thank you for responding!</p>

THANK YOU SO MUCH! i’ve been stressing and trying to pick everyone’s brain on what i should do but no one really knows because they didnt or havent applied for nursing. I’ll PM you asap. THANK YOU AGAIN SO MUCH!!!
and, congratulations on your admission!!!(:</p>