Volunteering for the 08 presidential campaign

<p>It's something i do plan on putting on my resume, however i am passionate about current events, politics, debate. Where can I find how to volunteer specifically fro Barrack Obama but if not then for another Democrat. Any help would be greatly appreciated</p>

<p>I second this question. I too want to work for a democrat sometime soon. I would rather work for Hilary though.</p>

<p>i want to work for Mccain, flame me as much you want since im on the republican side however because my brother is in the armed forces im leaning towards the republican side. mccain isnt also that bad of a republican, he has democratic point of views also.</p>

<p>^ Yeah, go Republicans :-)</p>

<p>I'm the vice president of the Young Republicans club at my hs. I volunteered for Bush back in '04 and I've also volunteered for a ton of local candidates over the years. My advice is to get in touch with the county headquarters for your party- they're always eager for volunteers. I know everyone always wants to work for their party's national candidates, but don't forget about the local guys! If you volunteer for local candidates, you might get invited to parties at their house on election night, and those are always a lot of fun (plus there's free food, lol)</p>

<p>i bet those food are good also. I will think about it, im a moderate republican. I don't like some actions bush is doing, however im a republican so what else can i say? ;)</p>

<p>so what do you guys actually do when volunteering for the parties? Is it like calling up people telling them to vote...?</p>

<p>^ It depends. Sometimes you'll call people who are registered with your party and ask them if they intend to vote on election day... but at least in my experience the list they give you can be wrong, so be prepared to get yelled at by someone who's actually registered with the opposing party! Other times you'll call registered voters and ask them to volunteer for the party, and that's always depressing because of course no one has time to volunteer unless they're really, REALLY into politics. </p>

<p>OR if you'd rather talk to people face-to-face, you can go on precinct walks where you actually go ring the doorbell of registered voters and give them pamphlets/ask them to vote (depending on how old you are they might make an adult go with you).</p>

<p>If you head to barackobama.com they have some organizational things - get in touch with people nearby, etc. I haven't actually done anything about it yet, but I want to, so I guess I'm in the same boat as you...</p>

<p>^ thanks i'll look into it soon</p>

<p>Just call your local Democrat club. You can volunteer with them. They also probably can help connect you with how to volunteer locally for the Democratic candidate whom youj favor.</p>