Volunteering Summer Abroad

<p>Are there any college based volunteering programs?
In other countries.
Like India and Africa?
I'm going to be going to college this fall 2010, and I've searched on Brown, GWU, Chicago and Penn's website and cant find any programs.</p>

<p>So I was wondering where people get them.</p>

<p>I know of some volunteer programs that offer discounts to students, but they aren’t affiliated with specific schools. Check out Global Volunteers or Safe Passage (guatemala). VolunteerAbroad.com has a lot of options.
I’m sure that you could get a student-group discount, and gather a group of students to go with you. maybe it may become an annual thing for your school!
At least that’s what I hope to do.</p>

<p>Heya! There’s this amazing program called i to i. They’re not affiliated with any school but they’re the cheapest most coordinated volunteer organization that i’ve seen in a really long time. There were also a lot of college aged students which was totally awesome. I went and volunteered in Costa Rica, which was fantastic. Here’s the website. [Gap</a> year travel, Volunteer abroad, TEFL Courses and more from i-to-i](<a href=“http://www.i-to-i.com/]Gap”>http://www.i-to-i.com/) I’ve been looking for volunteer opportunities abroad and found a lot of good ones there. You can also go volunteerabroad.com. Excellent search engine for great opportunities.</p>

<p>It’s not exactly college-based, but WWOOF is an awesome program through which you help families tend their land.</p>

<p>I wrote an article on the organization not long ago: [WWOOF</a> It | studentsineurope](<a href=“http://www.studentsineurope.com/2009/10/26/wwoof/]WWOOF”>http://www.studentsineurope.com/2009/10/26/wwoof/)</p>

<p>And here’s their Web address: [WWOOF</a> - World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms](<a href=“http://www.wwoof.org/]WWOOF”>http://www.wwoof.org/)</p>

<p>Hope you find what you’re looking for!</p>