<p>I am completely stuck between Virginia tech and u of Pitt... i got into VT's hnfe program and I'm undecided for pitt. Overall I'm really undecided but i definitely want to pursue a career in something with math or science. I'm not sure if going to VT for something other than engineering would be a smart decision tho. could someone help :(</p>

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<p>You are right, VT is an engineering college, but they are also known for several other departments as well. There’s architecture, business, chemistry, biology, and I’m sure there are others. VT is very well known as a research institute. So pretty much anything you major in you can find some type of internship or research opportunity. I’m a sophomore Biological Sciences/Pre-Med major and I’ve found numerous opportunities for research for my current major. When I was general engineering about a month ago I was constantly getting e-mails regarding undergraduate research.</p>

<p>As for Pitt, I know nothing about them. They may be just as much of a research institute as Virginia Tech. All I can tell you is that Virginia Tech is a great school for just about any major you get yourself into. If you are planning to pursue HNFE, there are probably plenty of opportunities for you to get involved and be successful in that major.</p>

<p>If you have any further questions about VT, feel free to PM me.</p>

<p>Well, there are a few things to consider.</p>

<p>Location: Pittsburgh and Blacksburg are very, very different places. I actually really like Pittsburgh, although I don’t know what part of Pittsburgh Pitt is in. Blacksburg is pretty much the definition of a college town. If you’re looking for a smaller town where everything (and I mean everything) is centered around the university (which I very much do) then Blacksburg is the place for you. If you’re looking for a big city that has a ton going on then you’ll like Pittsburgh more.</p>

<p>Campus: Again, I don’t really know much about Pitt’s campus, but I’m guessing it is pretty urban. VT is right next to downtown Blacksburg and is a pretty open campus. There is a large amount of green space (including the Drillfield which is awesome) which I like. There’s also the duck pond and even a golf course on campus.</p>

<p>Money: Are you in state at one? Or getting vastly different amounts of aid?</p>

<p>Academics: Both schools are generally well regarded (VT is great at engineering but that isn’t even our highest rated program; there’s a lot more to us than that) and honestly the two colleges are different enough and academic programs similar enough in quality that you should probably make your decision based on other factors.</p>

<p>PITT is located in oakland which isn’t in the main city of Pittsburgh… it’s a campus but its only a 5 min bus ride to downtown. the campus itself is actually really nice. but i also loved techs campus. i am in-state for PITT but the tuition difference would only be around 5,000… hopefully we will receive some aid for VT considering we are out of state but i won’t hear til 2 weeks. and you’re right chuy, i think both schools are pretty equal academics wise so i guess it’ll come down to whether i want a city or a traditional campus. i was just nervous whether a degree in something other than engineering would mean a lot coming from VT.</p>

<p>If that’s what you’re worried about then you’ve got nothing to worry about. </p>

<p>It really does come down to city versus traditional campus though. Each has its benefits and drawbacks.</p>

<p>I’m from Pittsburgh but didn’t want to go to Pitt because of its proximity to home. If you have any specific questions about Pitt’s campus, feel free to ask.</p>

<p>Pitt’s campus is not separate from the city; it is the city. That said, Pittsburgh is not really a large city. This is probably a good thing. There are lots of museums, parks, etc. right next to campus. However, the pace is more relaxed than a NYC or Chicago.</p>