VT Winters

<p>As an upcoming freshmen who rarely sees snow (from Georgia), is there anything that I should prepare for with Blacksburg's winters? How often is there snow on the ground? How much snow does it take to cancel classes? etc.</p>


<p>It’s not so much snow that cancels classes, but the “wintry mix” of freezing rain+sleet+slush+ice. Blacksburg certainly isn’t Siberia, but you’ll want a few things: good gloves, waterproof winter coat, and boots. </p>

<p>This doesn’t go so much for the wintery stuff, but having a pair of waterproof-ish tennis shoes will help a lot. Expect considerable amounts of rain in the fall and meshy shoes will leave your feet soaked</p>

<p>A good medium- weight rain jacket w/ hood (to wear before needing the winter coat) is something that our son felt was a must. Thick/heavy socks (wool blend) also are really good to have. We found the best ones- a three pack for what you would pay for one- at Sam’s Club.</p>

<p>The steam pipes actually run beneath most of the major paths, so any snow on top generally melts.</p>

<p>I have to reiterate the support for gloves. It sucks to have frozen fingers and having to wait an hour for them to thaw out. Make sure you pack something heavy before you go down in August–it’s usually much chillier by November.</p>

<p>I don’t remember the snow ever being bad. Now the wind on the drill field, that’s a different story!</p>

<p>We’ve had a few good snows. The wind is the worst though, I agree. Be ‘that guy’ and wear a ski mask and it isn’t that bad, but that wind on exposed skin can be really cold.</p>

<p>Bring a medium jacket and a winter one. I liked having a widbreaker type jacket also but that isn’t necessary. You’ll need a toboggan (the hat, not the sled) that at least covers your ears too. Throw some underarmor cold gear in too and youll be fine.</p>