<p>Pretty straightforward... Virginia Tech vs. UIUC.</p>
<p>I'm in-state VA so... costs are the main concern. Any thoughts on if its worth the huge jump in $$ would be appreciated. Any random thoughts/comments are good, really...</p>
<p>Pretty straightforward... Virginia Tech vs. UIUC.</p>
<p>I'm in-state VA so... costs are the main concern. Any thoughts on if its worth the huge jump in $$ would be appreciated. Any random thoughts/comments are good, really...</p>
<p>In what major? If costs are the main concern then it is VTech and I don't really know why you asked. There must be another factor: social life, rep? Of course I don't know much about VTech as far as engineering goes.</p>
<p>If it's any consolation, U of I has a tuition freeze program so that the tuition you pay your freshman year is locked in for the rest of the time you spend at U of I. This price freeze does not apply to housing though.</p>
<p>go for Virginia Tech, cuz you're in-state and it has a good reputation for engineering. Many defense and gov't agencies recruit engineers from V Tech and Maryland.
Illinois is excellent for engineering but out-of state costs are too much, this year the total costs is $36,000, almost equal to a private school!!!!</p>
<p>I agree with the aforementioned comment...but of course...Im biased--VT Engineering student. :)</p>