I have recently been admitted into the University of Florida as a transfer student where I plan on studying economics. My question is whether it is worth it or not to transfer. Financially I would saving about 8k a year, and academically UF is ranked higher than W&J. After college I definitely plan on either attending some sort of graduate school or law school, but at the end of the day are the differences between these two schools enough to warrant a transfer?
Washington and Jefferson College?
Looks like good reasons to transfer. Is there anything else holding it up? Anxiety over the move?
Correct, I am at Washington and Jefferson. I am definitely worried about the move. Coming from a campus with only 1300 students, I am a bit concerned about the change and leaving behind so many of my friends. Besides that nothing else is holding me back
Yep, it’s hard to leave your friends, but you would have had to do it as some point.
UF size can seem overwhelming. However, that’s also it’s advantage. UF is able to offer an almost endless list of options and experiences. It has over 1,000 clubs/student groups, etc. And with almost 1/3 of the undergraduate students being junior transfers, you’ll find lots of folks like yourself. Once you join a few groups, and make some friends, the school will seem much smaller.
With 16.000 grad students, and UF’s Law school being on campus, you’ll have lots of expose to students who have already entered grad/law school, or who are, like you, planning to do so. It’s a great way to network and figure out what you may want to do have graduation.
Good Luck!
UF is ranked much much higher. On a whole different level completely. IF W and J were, say, 60-80th… maybe you should stay since you seem to be enjoying yourself. But, it’s just a whole different academic level. Anyways, with so many undergrads, you are bound to make friends at UF.