<p>I was wondering if it were possible to decline admission after you were accepted off the wait list? I'm hesitant to go on the wait list for Stanford and Duke, because I know that I will like Berkeley, but I would also love to attend the other two. Is it wrong to go on the wait list and if I were accepted, then decline their admission offer? Because at the moment, I'm not sure if I'll like those two schools over Berkeley, since they're all about equal to me, Duke and Stanford being slightly above, but not by much. Thanks!!</p>
<p>Not wrong at all and it happens all the time. People change their minds. That’s why there’s a list of other students waiting to take any slot you decline.</p>
<p>It’s really in your best interest to accept all waitlist offers. Keeps your options open. Definitely acceptable to turn down a waitlist offer.</p>
<p>that’s awesome!! I’m a junior, and those are my top three schools
<p>and I agree, you should stay on the waitlists, just in case something changes your mind. my cousin did the same thing (waitlisted to U penn, but planned to go to northwestern), and he ended up going to (and loving) u penn</p>
<p>Thanks everyone! I got confused with their wording of the letter, so I wasn’t sure if it was like early decision style or just like a delayed acceptance. =)</p>