Wait Listed for Fall 2013

<p>My daughter has been placed on the wait list for TCU. Can anyone give any information on how the list works and what are the chances of her getting in. She's a great student, has a 98 GPA, top 12.5% of class. Would appreciate any information anyone has. Thanks</p>

<p>What kinds of activities was your daughter involved with, both within high school and in the wider community? TCU takes a very holistic approach with admissions and that portion I sweated the most.</p>

<p>I am a current Horned Frog (Chancellor’s Scholar), and I wish your daughter the best of luck with her admission.</p>

<p>What kind of ACT did she have? Her GPA sounds in line with others who have been accepted.</p>

<p>I would call your regional admissions officer and have a conversations. Admissions offices make mistakes.</p>