Has anyone been accepted to TCU for the 2013 fall semester??

<p>I applied for the November 1 deadline about early September and was wondering if anyone has herd anything yet!</p>

<p>Expect admissions letter around the first week of December, scholarship notification follows about 3 weeks later. Be patient TCU is well worth it!</p>

<p>Ah! This waiting is so hard!</p>

<p>Please let me know when you find out because I am waiting to find out also!!</p>

<p>Same! Let me know as well. I can not wait to find out.</p>

<p>We had a TCU rep at our school a few weeks ago. I remember him saying that if you met the November 1 deadline, you would hear back by December 15 or so. However, a few of my classmates remember him saying that if you met the deadline, you’d hear back by Thanksgiving. Not sure if that’s true or not… but that would be cool!</p>

<p>YES Anyone who gets in let me know! I’m waiting anxiously to hear back!!!</p>

<p>First wave of letters (traditionally) get sent out on the first week of December.</p>

<p>Hi everyone! I applied early action and have not heard back either. I also have heard that decisions are going out the first week of December. Everyone I talked to that applied early and got accepted last year and are currently attending TCU found out in December. My girlfriend found out as late as Christmas day last year and applied VERY EARLY with fantastic stats so if someone doesn’t hear the first week I wouldn’t be worried. I don’t think that is a sign of not being accepted. I am really anxious to hear back! Ha I’ve been waiting for MONTHS! If anyone hears back please please post ASAP as will I!</p>

<p>Also, has anyone else received a hand written post card from a random student at TCU (probably an ambassador or STUFO student) that comes with a decal sticker and talks about what is great about TCU and saying like happy holidays? Does any one know if this means anything in terms of admissions decision? More specifically, is it sent to those that are going to be accepted in hopes of enticing them to enroll when their acceptance letter comes or is it just a random nice thing that they are doing for everyone that applied?</p>

<p>I also got one of those decal stickers. I don’t think it means anything substantial, it’s a nice gesture either way.</p>

<p>Rumor has it that the first wave of letters is going out the first week in December</p>

<p>I got a scholarship-financial aid and Tution packet today</p>

<p>I got the same packet as Bnicholson6. However, I wouldn’t take that or the handwritten card to mean anything in particular. Though I am curious if the cards went to every applicant. That would be a lot of handwritten cards…</p>

<p>I also got a postcard but have not received a packet. Does that mean anything?</p>

<p>Does it mean I was not accepted? Or do they send one to everyone who applied?</p>

<p>Hi everyone,
I am waiting on TCU as well. I submitted my application two weeks before the early action deadline. I have already been accepted to the University of Vermont. What is every ones intended major/school? GPA? SAT/ACT? Activities?</p>

<p>While I did get the decal, I did not recieve a scholarship/tuition packet! Can someone please explain to me what all it entails? It seems like if they are sending such information to certain people that it would imply acceptance… This makes me really nervous because I did not recieve something like this. Please explain! Also, since the first of December is this weekend does anyone think we will find out over the weekend, or do you all think they would wait until the start of the business/school week to send them??Thank you!</p>

<p>I’m applying as a transfer and I just got my teacher’s evaluation finished for scholarship consideration. I wasn’t sure whether to have the teacher seal it in an envelope, or can I leave it as is and just put it in the mailing folder with the rest of my documents?</p>

<p>I’m applying as a nursing major.
4.3 GPA
2100 SAT
32 ACT
Multiple AP and honors classes.
Coached soccer, volunteered at my local hospital, was in student government, and am on the nordstrom fashion board.
I am getting so anxious too! TCU is my top school! Also, I havent gotten any of that stuff in the mail!</p>