Help!!! Waitlisted!!!

<p>Today i got home to see a tiny think envelope from TCU, i was shocked. I have always considered myself in to TCU, i have a higher GPA then the avg and even though my ACT score is low i was at the lower end of the middle 50. I was hoping someone could give me some insight on what went wrong!</p>

<p>GPA: 3.89 W, 3.74 UW
ACT: 23
AP Classes: 5 </p>

<p>Letter of Recs: One was from my ASB director who i have known for 3 years i assume it was very good. And the other was from my counselor who i don't know very well, but she does know how involved i am in the school.</p>

<p>Essays: I am not the best write but what i say in the essays i consider to be very good. I talk about ASB (Student Government, and all my accomplishments and how i have started new events and programs. I also talk about mental toughness and my drive to succeed and use how i lost ASB elections 3 times but still continued to fight on and help my school, and how i won on my 4th try.</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities: ASB for 3 years. (Currently my schools treasurer, last year was in charge of athletic events, and the year before was Treasurer for all spirit events. Started and was in charge of my schools first ever dodgeball tournament, have been in charge of pep rallies and spirit weeks, and also stated a program to help increase attendance at athletic events.)</p>

<p>Played baseball 9th and 10th grade
Was in band in 9th Grade</p>

<p>Started Come Together Club, a club where students with no friends could come and meet new ones.</p>

<p>Any ideas??? I was wait listed. so i guess its a wait and see.</p>


<p>Sorry about your bad news. It seems that so many schools are becoming more and more competitive with each passing year. TCU, in particular, has been on the rise and I think the credentials of each incoming class are getting better and better (and will continue to do so). I heard from a TCU alum a few weeks ago that the increase in applications was very significant this year. I’m not terribly familiar with TCU’s admissions over the years, but please keep that in mind because you seem like a good student who will have plenty of options. You just happened to hit a school that’s on a sharp upward trajectory. (Plus, a wait-listing isn’t a rejection!)</p>

<p>Why didn’t you get in!? With your grades, that’s a joke.
If you didn’t get in I shouldn’t even get my hopes up…my grades aren’t nearly as good as yours.</p>

<p>well, you’re not rejected. ACT is the problem. You’re apparently on the bubble. If I were you I would read a few Wait Listed threads and follow their advice… i.e. send admissions a polite letter with any new information, and let them know you want to stay on the wait list and that TCU is your #1 choice.</p>

<p>Just got a note from CA Admissionsions Counselor saying that applications from California were DOUBLE what they were last year. I’m sure that is happening around the country.</p>

<p>I’m still confused on why you got waitlisted with those grades.
Did you have anything bad on your record?
Did you make it clear to the TCU counselors that the school was your first choice?</p>

<p>The problem is the ACT. It’s below TCU’s average, and there were simply so many applicants this year. Up 6,000 is bound to drive averages up. Just keep on hoping for the best though, they saw something in you, so you still have a chance!</p>

<p>I got accepted to the BFA Theatre Dept. and I still got wait listed, is there any hope?</p>

<p>I did email my admissions counselor and she never responded back. Idk if i should email her again or what.</p>

<p>really with those act scores i dont see why you thought you could ever be waitlisted…your grades are not that good either. maybe if you had 3.9 unweighted i would be shocked. i am more shocked you didnt get denied.</p>

<p>I’m not sure if this helps any, but I was deferred EA and wrote a letter stating TCU was my first choice and I would attend if accepted. I kept in touch with my admissions counselor and I had an interview. I think it helped because I was just accepted not too long ago. Don’t give up!</p>

<p>Meowimacat, show some manners!</p>

<p>ucla, my son applied in August and got in with a slightly higher ACT and slightly lower GPA. He’s earned several awards but sounds like there are similarities. If you’re really very interested in TCU, as the person said, don’t give up and keep in touch with your admissions counselor to show your level of desire to attend.</p>

<p>Meowimacat …you don’t need a 3.9 to get into TCU.
UCLA’a grades are good for the school.
I got into TCU spring semester (I applied for fall) and wait listed for fall semester. My overall GPA was a lot lower than UCLA’s and my SAT’s were in a similar range (600 W, 520 M, 550 R). Howeverrr, I made a a lot of improvement in my senior year which may have helped me a good amount.</p>

<p>The bar has definitely been raised at TCU. They are one of the nation’s up and comers – publicity on this school has been tremendous over the past two years. Neeley School of Biz is now ranked in the mid-20s; ahead of great schools like USC and more. The hands-on academics and experience of a smaller university like TCU is being sought after versus the large research universities. I have a friend who declined an offer from UCLA to attend TCU because he feels he will have better experience and academics under his belt when he applies to Med School. TCU is going after top-notch students… and seems to winning many of them! Good luck to all – I know this is a stressful time.</p>

<p>I agree with you Rice. I think TCU is going in the direction of being as hard as SMU in a few years. SMU is going in the direction of being at the same level as USC.</p>

<p>I’m still unsure if I want to go to TCU. I love the big school feel and the small classes, however, I’m from a big city and I’m unsure if I’ll grow out of liking Fortworth/Greek life as I get older.</p>

<p>I talked to my admissions counselor today, and we had already met once when she came to my school. She told me to hang in there, and that hopefully she would be in touch with me soon.</p>

<p>I sent my mid year grades and had a 4.25 so hopefully that helps some. The main thing that frustrates me is there where about 4 or 5 kids from my school who got in with lower GPA’s and around the same test scores.</p>

<p>I was waitlisted with an UW 4.0, 26 act, and excellent EC’s. Granted, I applied late and it was my SAFETY school…so strange. I got into all my schools including the ever competitive Northeastern and Penn State University Park. Whatevs :/</p>

I think you should revisit TCU’s admission website. To consider TCU a safety with a 26 on the ACT seems a little out of touch with the reality of where the school actually is relative to the admissions process. A 26 places you just about dead center in their mid 50 percent range for students admitted for the Fall of 2009. Considering the huge jump in applications that TCU has experienced from 2009 to 2011 (11,953 applicants for the class enrolling in 2009 vs slightly over 19,000 for the class enrolling in 2011) , my guess is that a 26 is now towards the lower end of the mid 50%. This would place TCU more in the “fit” category for you. Also, given the fact that you applied late, I am assuming that you had not shown a lot of previous interest, so given the jump in applications you were on the bubble and got waitlisted. Had you applied earlier and demonstrated more interest I am sure you would have been accepted. </p>

<p>The bottom line is that TCU is getting to the point where no one, outside the top 10-15% of the graduating high school seniors nationally, should consider it a safety.</p>