<p>Even though it's a bit early, I'm already researching AP books to buy so that I can study for all the tests. My question is, are there some books I can purchase now, or should I wait a couple more months like...February or something? Right now particularly, I want the most updated version of Barron's AP Biology. I looked it up on Amazon and it says it was published Feb. 2010. Am I safe to jump on it right now or do you think they'll have an updated version? Also, I have the same situation for AP U.S. Government. I looked up the best books for that, and the Crash Course one made by REA was recommended. However, that was the 2009 Edition. Should I possibly wait for a new edition to come out or just jump on it now?</p>
<p>Henry Phe, living in Midland Texas, course schedule
Calculus BC
AP Government
English Literature
Computer Science
Computer Science
You drive a Jeep
You are rank 2
You are one of two AP Scholars with Distinction at your school
You attend Lee High School
You were at the basketball game on Friday
You play violin
You once spilled V8 juice all over your white shirt and asked for a bleach pen
We’re watching you Henry Phe. Very. Closely.</p>
<p>^^stalker and/or someone who knows him and/or someone who’s BSing</p>
<p>You should be fine buying the current edition for pretty much anything. Even if something comes out in February, it’s probably not going to be much different.</p>
<p>Think for a second.
These are all introductory college classes over Biology and US Gov’t.
Has really THAT much changed in the subject since February?</p>