waitlist advice?

<p>I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I really have no clue what to do. I was accepted into three colleges UW-Madison, Rice, and Northwestern University. However, I was waitlisted at my top choice: Duke. I would really LOVE to attend Duke this coming fall, but I do not know how to exactly persuade them to accept me. I just received their waitlist card a couple days ago, but I was wondering if I should send back an update letter along with the waitlist card? Would that be a good idea? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. :)</p>

<p>definitely. Add any new honors or activityies you've done. Perhaps ask for an extra recommendation.</p>

<p>Use search engine to find many examples of what others have done.
PS-your other acceptances are terrific colleges--you cannot go wrong.</p>

<p>Just so that you are realistic about your odds, last year Duke place 900 students on their waiting list and admitted 23. (They predicted that they would take 125 off that list.) Give it a shot but don't forget to send in a deposit someplace else.</p>

<p>Put your name on the list. Send a letter - though there is no evidence that sending ANYTHING has any impact whatsoever (except perhaps some hard cash, but no one will admit it publicly.) Anyway, it will make you feel better that you (think you) gave it a shot. And then wrap your head around one of the GREAT institutions to which you have been admitted.</p>

<p>I got in off the waiting list at #1 LAC a long time ago; I didn't do anything, but I found out later it was an internal "political" thing that it didn't have anything to do with me personally, and I "filled a slot" that was missing.</p>

<p>I got off a waitlist in 1975 without doing anything--but I didn't get off until August--three weeks before school was supposed to start! I went to the other school's orientation--and even met the Dean and my roommate! :eek: Trurly, I forgot I was even ON a wiatlist. But I did go and have been so thankful ever since.</p>

<p>Send in more stuff. More awards. More outstanding writing from class. Ask your GC and headmaster to call or email on your behalf--though they will be working harder for kids who don't have such great alternatives.</p>

<p>I know a kid who got into his top 25 school by sending in four additonal English essays.</p>

<p>This is where mathmom's idea of a college trading gallery would be handy--trade one Duke for one Northwestern....</p>

<p>Send in your deposit to another school.</p>

<p>Also, keep in mind that they are only going to the waitlise if they can't fill their class. There is NOTHING you can do if the class fills off their admits.</p>