<p>I know this is really annoying but I can't be the only one that is wondering so... Has anyone heard anything about the waitlist? Also...if you get off the waitlist...TELL US!</p>
<p>Good luck kids.</p>
<p>I know this is really annoying but I can't be the only one that is wondering so... Has anyone heard anything about the waitlist? Also...if you get off the waitlist...TELL US!</p>
<p>Good luck kids.</p>
<p>You’re not alone. I’m also waiting and hoping…</p>
<p>Also, does anyone know about financial aid/the waitlist?</p>
<p>I know Wes says they are need-blind for the waitlist. Yay!</p>
<p>I just got a call and I got in! gonna head up and see it tomorrow probably</p>
<p>S just heard today.
He’s in off the WL.
He was planning to go to WUSTL… now he has some hard thinking to do…and fast!!!</p>
<p>D just got in off waitlist today. She was planning to go to one of the great Midwest LAC’s but now this really shakes things up, big time.</p>
<p>I was also admitted off of the waitlist today!</p>
<p>Today? On a Saturday morning at 7 am? Did you mean Friday (yesterday)?</p>
<p>Yeah my bad - got the call late yesterday afternoon</p>
<p>So if I haven’t heard am i done? :(</p>
<p>I got the call yesterday afternoon. I’m so excited.</p>
<p>The Wesleyan waitlist is very hard to get off but there is a ripple effect- meaning that its not over until its over.</p>
<p>This sucks. Waiting sucks. ■■■.</p>
<p>Congrats to everyone who has gotten off the WL though, you must be ecstatic!</p>
<p>Hey everyone,</p>
<p>My question will concern the regional aspect of the waitlist process. I’m referring to those who got off the waitlist now: Are you all from the United States? I am an international student applying for financial aid. I’ve been waitlisted and am anxious about the decision. Hearing that you’ve all received calls and/or emails giving the good news, I started to feel even more anxious …</p>
<p>I’m from new york and I applied for financial aid</p>
<p>My S is from CT (about 90 min. from Wes) and got off the WL on Friday.
He didn’t apply for FA, but I do believe Wes is need-blind for all US applicants (WL or otherwise).</p>
<p>Have any waitlist people who applied for financial aid gotten their offers yet?</p>
<p>Any news or recent offers? Also, for the people that got off the wait-list, did you send in anything extra like a letter or teacher recs or anything like that?</p>
<p>I sent in a reaffirmed interest letter with some new accomplishments</p>
<p>I am an international student and I learnt I was off the wait list on May 6th. Before I had written them a long mail, had a teacher calling and also visited the campus since I had not visited before.</p>
<p>Dear Catbirdog,</p>
<p>Can you mention a little bit about your region of residence and financial aid package, if you have any?</p>