Waitlist for Randall Research Scholars Program

Hi all,

I was notified a while back that I was not accepted into the Randall Research Scholars Program. However, I was placed in the waitlist/reserve pool. Does anyone have experience with this and know of the chance of eventually being accepted into RRSP?


@trhn17 What is a while back?
What are your stats and what research are you interested in? Since Randall covers a broad range of interests it may depend on what opens up?

Hi @trhn17 , I would never hazard a guess on chances, etc. and your stats or interests may have no bearing on whether you are ultimately selected.


What I will say, unequivocally, is that students definitely can and do get selected from the reserve list, and it might be too soon to know right now. Have you had any other contact with the program since you were placed in the reserve?

@catmomof3 I was notified on Jan. 25 that I was placed into the reserve pool. ACT 36 and I am a National Merit Finalist. I applied to the program as wanting to complete medical/scientific research because I wanted to become a physician. However, over the past few months, I finally came to the realization that the medicinal idea was not something that I was fully 100% invested in. Now, I’ve had a complete reversal and want to major in Economics (which has been one of my deepest interests for years) and likely attend law school. Should I let them (Honors College/RRSP director/whomever) that I have changed my interests or just wait and see if I get taken off the waitlist?
I do not want to have to complete medical research if I am accepted into the program.

@DavidPuddy Okay, that’s somewhat refreshing to hear! I emailed the director of the RRSP after receiving the waitlist email (Jan 25) and said that I wanted to remain on the waitlist/reserve pool in hopes of gaining admission into the program. She replied (Jan 30) and notified me of that I would remain in the reserve pool. (That has been the last contact that I have had with the program).

@trhn17, I would definitely reach out to the program and let them know of your plans. But let them know you’re still very interested in being admitted into the program as well!

I don’t understand though, weren’t the interviews just a week or so ago? Weird that there was a waitlist before that. When do decisions come out?

@catmomof3 ,
It is NOT really correctly termed a “waitlist”.

It is a reserve pool of candidates that were NOT invited for the on site interviews. So, after the on site interview weekend, the subsequent offers, and student responses, if they have space to offer additional spots from the reserve pool, they could then contact those candidates for further discussion. Believe it or not, some students that are offered do not accept (typically because they choose to enroll elsewhere).

@LucieTheLakie has spot on advice.

@LucieTheLakie Thank you for the advice! I will definitely contact them and let them know.

Yes, the in-person interviews were a week and a half ago (Feb 23, day after the UFE interview).

Your major, change, career path, etc, will have no bearing on being selected. They don’t select X number of any particular major.

It’s best to just let them know of your continued interest, send them updates of anything you’d like them to know.

Invitations to accept a spot in RRSP came out today. Students must accept by April 19.

Hold on to your hope; it is likely that some will decline.