<p>musicman- have you heard anything?</p>
<p>i'm not expecting to hear anything until at least the 16th, which was teh deadline to return your "i want to be on the summer waitlist" sheet</p>
<p>Lecorbeau, are you on the "summer" waitlist?. From the Bowdoin 2010 facebook group, I know that one girl was taken off the Dartmouth waitlist and will be going to Dartmouth. That's one spot...</p>
<p>Actually that's not true. I spoke to that girl and she's decided to stay with Bowdoin. Better aid or something</p>
<p>she should've gone to dartmouth so that i could've had a chacne to go to bowdoin :(</p>
<p>Muzicman, where are you going if Bowdoin doesn't work out??</p>
<p>well, i'm also on teh summer waiting list at wesleyan, so that might happen also. i was on the waiting list at carleton but they sent out letters saying no one was being taken off</p>
<p>otherwise i'm going to UC santa barbara to get hella STDs and alcohol poisoning. wooooot</p>
<p>has anyone heard anything?</p>