Waitlist - Transfer Applicants to Columbia for Fall 2021

Anyone hear back? Lol they could at least say send an email updating us on the situation. This is messed up:/

okay ive been thinking but what if they intend on taking some people off the waitlist this year? I feel like if we were all to be rejected they would have sent out an email already…or not I don’t know really just trynna stay hopeful here haah

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don’t give me hope

so…, what do we expect for today? :sweat_smile:

I sent an email last night. Got a reply saying we’ll get the decision by the end of the day.

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Thanks for the update!


There is an update available now

I didn’t get in. At least they finally said it

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Same, my letter said class was full

So anyone get in?

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Not me

Didn’t get a spot

not me

Well, at least we can let the prospective transfer applicants see the acceptance rate for Columbia’s transfer waitlist🙃


Exactly. Big NO. Sticking w other anyway but what an annoying and wicked wait.