Waitlist - Transfer Applicants to Columbia for Fall 2021

I called in to ask if there was a date or time set for decisions to release and the lady that answered told me she did not have any updated info. She reiterated that the decisions can come out before the 30th but for sure by the 30th we’ll receive email updates. Just 5 more days, I’m so anxious

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if we haven’t heard anything by now, i think it might be time to move on.


Agreed. Columbia could have informed us the class was full once they received all deposits, but they chose to spend this whole month keeping us as Plan B without a single update :upside_down_face:

According to CC, they did not take anyone off the transfer wl for the past four years. If they never use the wl and feel confident about their yield rate, why do they even create a waitlist pool to keep hopeful students? It’s hard to see any hope now, so I guess we have to view this situation critically lol.


WhT time do y’all think we will hear back

Prob 5pm est

I called in and the admissions lady said that it will probably be going out tomorrow after 5pm. Not sure why tho since our letters say June 30th. Maybe she mixed up days



Why couldn’t they just say we are going to release all rejections last minute on June 30th? Give us a decision so we can move on with our lives…


Nothing for me either. Was hoping I’d have some closure by the end of the work day today but nope. Wish they informed us more than radio silence for a month.


has anyone given up and committed to another college?

I haven’t, just staying at community one more year and then applying to the UC system.

It seems like no response is a response in this case. I hope they dont do an extended waitlist this year because that just seems cruel to do when they most likely wont take anyone off of that either. This is what I needed to fully mentally commit to vandy.

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I might commit to Northwestern if nothing comes up by the end of tomorrow.

I have to commit to UCLA tomorrow and I’m getting nervous that I won’t hear back from Columbia in time.

You can ask them for more time. Was meant to commit June 28 but they gave me an extra week.

yeah Barnard lol (but I wanted Barnard > cc) wishing luck to everyone who rlly wants Columbia :slight_smile:

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It’s so weird that Columbia delays all decisions (rejections) even at this moment. Is an extra day any good for them? Is it troublesome to update our portals? :sweat_smile:


If they don’t update in the next hour I’m actually going to be very surprised. I’ve been through a lot in the college process but never has a college ghosted for an entire month and then not kept its word about the release date. We’ll see what happens I guess.


I hate to recognize this but guys remember they said they “typically” notify applicants no later than 6/30, and they can legitimately argue that this year is definitely not a typical year…