
When the waitlist is released (no, I do not know when that will be), there are two important things.

First, I suspect like last year, a substantial number of applicants will get off the waitlist. I think they are doing this (accepting high MCAs only for the most part and rolling candidates closer to the cutoff to the waitlist) to avoid the over enrollment they experienced two years ago. Don’t lose hope. I’m sure there are lots of slots yet to be filled.

Second, POST TO THE FINAL STATUS THREAD with “WAITLISTED” below your relevant stats (major, MCA and in or out of state). By definition, the wait list defines the threshold. The inclusion of your data will help future applicants immensely.

Thank you and hold fast. It’s not over.

I still think regular decisions are rolling out, but if you get waitlisted, please post to the Final Status thread with your MCA, and remember, if this is like last year, being waitlisted means you still have a good chance. Thanks!

Have you heard of anyone wait listed yet? Feeling like the acceptances have ended.

@Ladyberg, not yet.

Please post to the Final Status thread,even though it isn’t final. THANK YOU!

My son has been waitlisted in Biochemistry today

Good luck friends. I didn’t apply. But, good luck buddies.

GPA: 3.96
Pre-rec: All Done spring 2019, including preferred
AS-T: both Mathematics and Physics
Major applied: Mathematics

@eyemgh If a student is waitlisted, what is your guess as to when a student must accept or decline, may 1st?
I assume, several students with extremely high MCA are the students getting into the elite school but I can be wrong

Yes it is may 1st

Has anyone received an email yet regarding opting in for the waitlist? The portal says it was sent but still waiting.

My son was waitlisted for computer science yesterday. The original message seemed to imply that we would received an email with a survey to indicate if we wished to be considered for admission or not. This morning the message has changed to the following: “You have been placed on the waitlist at Cal Poly for fall. If you would no longer like to be considered for admission, please complete the survey that was emailed to you.” So it appears if no action is taken, you will remain on the waitlist.

My child waitlisted for biochem. Weighted GPA 4.4; ACT = 32; in-state.

Perhaps the kids who consider SLO as safety will decline SLO quickly, so we don’t have to wait past May. We have other options too.

Does anyone know the acceptance rate off waitlist last year?


@GWPPSLO: 2018 CDS shows waitlist stats section C2


@GWPPSLO, I’m not sure anyone could call Cal Poly a safety per se, maybe not their first choice though.

Thank you. It showed an acceptance rate of 37% off the waitlist; got to be one of the highest among all the colleges.
Should we do anything other than waiting? Submitting senior year’s GPA (it is higher than the one on the application back in Nov)?

meant no disrespect! My nephew at SLO, a CS major, got in with a lower GPA (same ACT) 3 years ago than my child who was waitlisted this year. I suppose in 2016, SLO was still considered by some as a safety school to Cal, UCLA, and MIT like schools. No more, that is for sure.

today, my kid’s portal said if youre not interested in being on the waitlist, then to complete a survey sent via email. he didnt receive this email. he wants to stay on the waitlist, though. so is any action required of him? want to be sure he doesnt need to do anything.

@sf94121: No action if they want to remain on the waitlist.

Not sure if this has already been asked on CC, but… when does CP start to admit students off the waitlist? And will it be on a rolling basis, or will everyone be notified of acceptance/rejection at the same time?