
From what I have read the wait list is ranked but they do not release that information to students.

my son is wailisted but accepted by CSULB and CSUSJ. SLO is his first choice. If by May 1 he is not yet accepted by SLO, he will have to pick either CSULB or CSUSJ. If he accepts the admission to one of these 2 colleges by May 1, will it impact his chance to be accepted for SLO from the wait list?

@gchiang: SLO expects all waitlisted students to accept another school by May 1 if they have not heard from them. No it will not impact his chances.


@Gumbymom, have you seen anyone report that they’ve gotten off of the waitlist with an acceptance yet?

@eyemgh. I have seen no acceptances from the waitlist.

I emailed undergrad admissions my Calculus 2 and Intro to Humanities grades which are both A’s and comprise of 7 units total. I’m taking a total of 29 units this semester. They haven’t given a response back to me so should I email them again?

@GoodAfternoonSir, grade updates have no impact in waitlist ranking. Really, nothing you can do will change where you stand or your chances. Hold tight. Good luck.

So I am a transfer applicant and was initially rejected because of incorrect course placement on the supplemental application(due to the guidance of a counselor at my college). However, I appealed and was just placed on the waitlist for Aerospace Engineering. I have heard that usually people in my case end up near the top of the waitlist. Is that true? Is there even a slim chance of being accepted? What is your take @eyemgh?

@rocketrycory, You’ll be placed in whatever position your initial record would have landed you in. If you were high enough that you would have made it in with a proper application, you’ll be at the top. Good luck!

Historically did SLO admit students off the waitlist before May 1 (as I am sure there were many who turned it down to go to UC), or did they always wait till after May 1 to do so?

Thank you.

Anyone on the waitlist has received acceptance from SLO?

My daughter was admitted off the wait list about this time last year, a couple of days prior to May 1st. Cal Poly admissions says that it’s fairly rare.

@MangyCur - fairly rare to be admitted off the waitlist at all, or fairly rare to be admitted off the waitlist before may 1st?

@sf94121, it is not fairly rare to be accepted off the waitlist. It’s highly dependent on the year. Last year, roughly 1/3 of the students on the waitlist were admitted. That means that roughly 50% were accepted off of the waitlist. When it will happen is beyond me.

hard to make definitive plans when youre wondering “What if?” about a school on the waitlist. My kid has already accepted his offer at UC Irvine, but Cal Poly is the lingering question b/c they waitlisted him.

Both, she got the “e-mail you have been waiting for” prior to May 1st which rare for any applicant regardless of the exact time of receipt.

@eyemgh what do you make of the waitlist time frame this year? Usually SLO starts releasing students off the waitlist before the May 1st deadline, but has not done so yet (and I imagine they mostly likely will not considering that May 1st is tomorrow.) At the same time, both UCSD and UCLA released students off their waitlists last week (a fairly unusual time frame for UC waitlists). Do you think SLO is waiting for the UCs to finalize their admits before releasing anyone off their waitlist?

I really don’t know. Maybe @Gumbymom can shed some light.

@encinitas5: I do not think schools check with each other and time their acceptances based on others. Each school has a pretty good idea of their yield so if they are falling behind, they will start pulling from the waitlist early like UCLA and UCSD. Most schools will wait until after the May 1 SIR deadline.