
Some people say they heard from the waitlist but I called the admission office and they said nobody received it yet?

Son has not yet received anything from SLO yet…

I think all will be notified tomorrow, May 15. They are hoping more students who are on both SLO and UC waitlists (tons) will opt for UC by then. As many students this year decided to attend SLO, the number of admits off its waitlist may be small.

Update from admissions:


"After receiving more than 65,000 applications and accepting around 15,000 new students, nearly 6,000 students committed to Cal Poly as of May 1, National Decision Day.

Director of Admissions and Operations Terrance Harris said 5,000 of that total number are incoming freshmen, and 900 are transfer students. Admissions was unable to release exact numbers due to expected fluctuations in committed students.

There were approximately 4,500 spots that Cal Poly wanted to fill originally. However, Harris said the university is on track with enrollment goals.

“Typically, between 6 to 9 percent of the students that confirm their offer of admissions will not show up, so we anticipate those numbers dropping down to somewhere between 4,600 and 4,700 first time freshman and between 800-900 transfers that enroll this fall,” Harris said."

Translation: if you are on the SLO waitlist this year, the chance is essentially nil at this point. For those incoming students and transfers, expect some will be in triples, and the problem of impaction will just get worse – but that is true in all public schools in CA except the lowest of CSUs.

Don’t give up hope yet. There is a lot of movement in the UC waitlists this year which could have a substantial effect on the Cal Poly waitlist. This may be the reason Cal Poly is holding off going to their waitlist just yet. I personally know 5 students who accepted Cal Poly initially (including my D) and are now going to other colleges due to getting off the other college waitlists. :slight_smile:

I think that what the statement indicated that the school’s expectation of movement was within their overenrollment expectation, so that they do not expect any movement towards admission from their waitlist. Just thoughts on my translation…

I agree with LACookie assessment. Yes there will be some movement, but the statement clearly indicates that the movement/variation will be within the expected historical norm, and they already have the expected number of students for this coming year.

If anything, there will be more, not fewer, students wanting to go to SLO this year than prior years because of its increased reputation, and, perhaps more importantly, the price tag compared to UCs and private schools.

“…because of its increased reputation, and, perhaps more importantly, the price tag compared to UCs and private schools.”

Nothing has changed in either of these factors in quite a few years. It has had a good reputation (for those who pay attention and don’t simply dismiss it because it’s a CSU) and it has been a good value since well before my son started 5 years ago.

Actually, quite a lot has. Cal Poly has been becoming incrementally more competitive with a stronger freshman profiles statistics annually over the last 20 years. Here are some changes between last years freshman class and the class entering in 2013, a five year gap.

% admitted 2013 = 35%, 2018 - 30%.

ACT Comp Range 2013 25-30, 2018 26-32.
SAT Verbal Range 2013 550-640, 2018 620-730.

SAT Math Range 2013 580-680, 2018 620-730

In just about every measure, Cal Poly is more competitive now than it ever has been in the past. A quick look at the 1998 data shows ACT scores at a 21-27 range. SLO’s freshman profile has gone from a higher end CSU like San Jose State to a profile which is similar or more competitive than all but the most competitive UCs. Santa Barbara’s ACT range in 2018 was 26-32, which Cal Poly has matched…

Private donations have also helped increase SLO’s reputation, this is highlighted by the recent eye popping $110 million dollar gift to benefit the College of Math and Science.

Given the political outcry about the massive student debt owed by college graduates, consumers have a heightened desire for higher education that directly leads to higher earnings. Cal Poly has effectively shown it can deliver by achieving constantly high rankings in systems that highlight the earning power of their graduates.

Cal Poly today is not the same school that our generation went to and has made substantial improvements over even shorter time spans like the last 5 years.

@MangyCur, I absolutely concur. Every year CP gets more competitive. Those changes over the last five years have been small though. Like most schools that are now deemed desirable, it will get incrementally more competitive every year, because too many students focus on too few schools. What I was trying to say is that CP didn’t magically become a good value school with a great reputation between this year and last. It has been that way for a while.

Anyone hear back yet? Based on last year’s post, decisions should be coming out at 5:00pm. Good luck everyone!

Hey everyone. What’s the outlook like for junior level transfers from community colleges that are currently on the waitlist? I know we have until July 15th to hear back, but what are the odds like?

Look at the totals in this article:


Compare to the projections in this document:


Draw your conclusions.

They had approximately 900 acceptances and projected 858. Looks pretty close, just like the new freshmen.

Thanks for the info! Fingers crossed that they take some people from the waitlist…

Mine too, @bayareamark. My S has been checking his portal every 2.3 seconds today as a waitlisted Freshman…

Good luck to you.


Just checked my son’s portal, he has not been offered admission. UC Davis it is.

Rejecc gang for Comp Eng
MCA was like 4500 ish

Rejected for comp science. MCA around 4800. SAT 1540. ACT 35. Nice to have finality. Good luck to all.