Waitlist =[

i was wondering if anyone else was put on the waitlist?<br>
Also u know what i thought was pretty crazy, they said that they had 22000 people apply and only offer 2000 positions, well that means less than a 10% admit rate which really shocked me, cuz on collegeboard it says 39%... so am i right its less than 10 or not?
lol im just confuzed...anywazs congrats to all that got in =)</p>

<p>The class will end up with around 2000 people in it, out of 22,000 who applied. However, around 7000 people are accepted, and around 5000 end up choosing not to attend. This year, since there were more applicants, if they accept the same number as last year then their acceptance rate would be around 33%.</p>

<p>I'm sorry to hear that you were waitlisted.</p>


<p>yeah i got waitlisted did you decide to stay on the waitlist?
when i openend my mail box i was like ughh small envelope then i opened it and scanned it and saw "waitlist" and i was like haha oh hmm.
but even if we don't get in off of the waitlist thats so much money we won't have to back back from loans and what not, assuming you would have to take out some student loans swissmiss lol</p>