Accepted off the waitlist!

<p>Got in off the waitlist today. deciding between miami and purdue. any thoughts? and does anyone know if i could possibly get a scholarship to miami?</p>

<p>Im in same boat except its Miami vs UMD… and i think we get little to no finacial aid because I called the FA office and they said their pool of funds are pretty much out for this year. They will reasses in early Oct. Thats what the man said</p>

<p>Can I ask what your scores were? Did you find out via mail or myUM?</p>

<p>you find out by e-mail and if you accept your spot, your myUM changes to include all the information</p>

<p>ya i had a 3.6 unweighted 1900 sat. i was pretty suprised. but the money is a problem. my parents are giving me 40k a year so i need about 15. any ideas?</p>

<p>I get approx $22k in scholarships total and it costs me $22k a year, so I think you’ll only need $4k or so. So I’d apply for other scholarships for those, or get student loans. If yours costs the same (which I think it should… they advertise tuition as being higher than I think it is >.>) then it shouldn’t be tooooooo much to cover with student loans and another scholly or two.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all that got off the wait list at UM. Were any of you Legacy?</p>

<p>Thank you. Both of my parents and my brother are alumni.</p>