waitlisted at Cherubs

Hi! I was just waitlisted at NHSI Cherubs for the theatre arts/MT program… for the second time. I was told I was put on the “short waitlist” back in February and I just found out yesterday that I was waitlisted again and would hear back with a final descion in April. I was wondering if this happened to anyone else? What are the odds of being accepted?

My D was a Cherub last year. She was admitted on first round for the main session and MT extension. But, she had a friend who was admitted for main session and waitlisted for MT. He was finally called up for MT a week (!) before the main session began. He took it…and it was a fantastic experience for both of them! It could be a while - until after the final deadline for accepted students to confirm - before you hear for sure. Seems like that was mid or late April last year? I can’t recall for sure. Hang in there…hope all works out for the best for you!