Waitlisted from Davis- questions on transferring..

yasou14 – wow that advice was actually so helpful thank you thank you thank you! I would love to be able to do what you did and graduate in one year. I am definitely willing to take some classes this summer if it means ill be getting ahead. Do you know of any helpful websites where i can try to figure out what classes i need and what cc would be best? and i have no idea how credits work, but 16 sounds like a lot!

1teenwolf – yes i know exactly where u are coming from. I am going through the same thing and dealing with those same feelings. The thing that is going to be worse is dealing with family who most likely will not approve, but you are all right. I would not be happy going to CPP or any other school, and all i would be thinking of is transferring. Thank you all for your amazing advice!

the social scene is definitely going to suck, that is also what im sort of upset about but i think i can survive hopefully a year and stay at my job & save up money :slight_smile:

@martinezk I would do research on the cc’s in your area! In my opinion it all boils down to how well you can do at the cc rather than the cc itself. I personally was unable to do it in 2 years only because I screwed up and failed a class and had to stay to make it up. I was also working two jobs at the time which is what caused me to lose focus and fail that class. The website assist.org is a really great website to find out what classes are required by the uc/major you want and what they’re called at the cc you go to. Definitely take advantage of this!! If there’s a class you need but it isn’t offered at your cc, don’t be afraid to go to two cc’s at once! This website is one of the most helpful tools that I have used during my time at cc. I cross enrolled at ucsd because two of the prerequisites were t offered at my cc. The more you can knock out (and do well in) the more appealing you’ll look!

@martinezk assist.org is a lifesaver when looking up courses! just put in your cc and the university you want to transfer to and your major, and it will give you a list of lower-division classes that you can take at a cc that are equivalent to the ones you’d take at the university, which will cut down on the number of classes you’ll have to take later (I think some universities require that you finish some/all of the major prep classes, and it depends on the major, but you’d have to check).

as for what cc would be best… honestly I just went to my local one. I agree with goodkidmaadcity, it’s more about what you do at the cc rather than which one you go to. if you do have multiple options near you, you can use ratemyprofessor to look at the teachers and see which ones you like best. enrolling at 2 different ccs is also a good option, especially if you can take some online classes.