<p>What do you CCers feel about about being waitlisted? I just recently recieved notification from North Carolina State University that i myself had been put on their waitlist. Some prefer this over being denied acceptance. I cant find any good out of this...waiting until the 15th of July to find out is just down right torturous, plus it means that its time to go ahead to sign up for community college (WOOT WOOT!). Anyways, my QUESTION is how many of you that were put on waitlist got in? Thanks a lot.</p>
<p>You should not wait till the 15th of July to find out. It should be done in mid May and if not you are likely to not get in. Waitlist means the college did not completely reject you. Show interest at NC state university and you may get in. Who knows if I get off UNC's waitlist you can get my NC state's spot.</p>
<p>I was waitlisted at Boston College and the College of William and Mary. I see it as good in one way, because I wasn't bad enough to rejected outright. On the other hand, it made me question what I did in high school and wonder what if...I had studied more for the SAT, gotten higher grades, etc. I decided not to pursue my waitlists because I can't wait until June 15 to find out where I am going to college. I have decided to go to Penn State. Good luck with whatever you decide. For the answer to your question, each school varies.</p>
<p>Interesting anecdote: My mom's good friend had been waitlisted at Georgetown Law (Her first choice) and on the day she was packing up and leaving for BU she received word from Georgetown that she had been accepted off the WL. She went to BU.</p>
<p>Last year at my school a numberof students made it into their</p>
<h1>2 and #1 choices off the waitlist before June and did choose</h1>
<p>to matriculate at their waitlisted choices that had come through.</p>
<p>This year a number of my classmates have been placed on waitlists
and are hoping to get off (Especially if their waitlsit choices are #1/#2
from their perspective). Those waitlisted at choices below that have
not chosen to stay on the waitlists though and are planning on opting for
their safety choices that have treated them well.</p>