Want to Ace your SAT Vocab? Read Manga!

<p>Remember those good old Kaplan novels chock full of SAT Vocabulary words? Well, now they're going up a level...towards manga ;) </p>

Forget your parents’ test prep - this isn’t your older sibling’s either. Global educational services provider Kaplan and TOKYOPOP, one of the world’s leading youth-oriented entertainment brands, are bringing a lot more “ZAM” and “POW” to the SAT and ACT prep experiences with the release of the Kaplan SAT/ACT Vocabulary-Building Manga series. This series of popular graphic novels features manga – the Japanese word for comics and print cartoons – with hundreds (more than 300 in each graphic novel) of frequently tested words on these essential* college admissions exams to create a unique set of test prep comics.


<p><a href="http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20070614005271&newsLang=en%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20070614005271&newsLang=en&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I wonder how they managed that. I mean, 300 vocabulary words in a novel isn't hard, but in a graphic novel that's majority picture...interesting.</p>

<p>Anyway, anybody interested?</p>

<p>i like reading manga and all but do they have to kill it by sticking SAT vocab in it lol</p>

<p>I don't know if I would want to read "Inuyasha" or "Naruto" with SAT involved. I would like to keep those worlds separate thank you very much.</p>

<p>LOL, read death note bro (or sis...w/e). It's one of the most intelligent mangas out there (and one of the best for the first 50 - 60 chapters)...just make sure you don't read the last 10 chapters because they truly SUCK. In the end, Ohba-san is just a pathetic feminist who wants to make two intelligent men look like crazy criminals. Ohba FTMFL</p>

<p>(That's the name of the storyline writer btw)</p>

<p>^ bookwormgirl, my friends talk about those two animes ALL THE TIME...they're still trying to convert me (I don't have time for a new obsession...getting ready to over the summer tho)</p>

<p>Well, I don't know why don't just put a sticker on classics, "Helps Vocab for the SAT"...everyone acts like it's a mystery which words are on...my class frequently refers to "big words" as "SAT" words. How about, words a well-educated person should know? yeahh, just my rant. </p>

<p>But manga? That seems a little crazy. How will they do the context? Most of the mangas I've read move very quickly, so a slow-paced one, with "I'm going to be <strong><em>vocab word</em></strong>, which really means ____" might be really stupid and bring the worst of both worlds.</p>

<p>Death Note had some words....</p>

<p>anyway, Bleach is also the **** (not in terms of SAT words)...Grimmjaw is so gonna pummel Ichigo lol</p>

<p>DEATH NOTE RULES!!! Not so sure that I would want words like 'lackadaisical' stuck in there...</p>

<p>Manga strikes me as extremely nerdy for some reason.</p>

<p>^ probably because a lot of Asians read it. Hahaha. </p>

<p>That's pretty clever though. MANGA + SAT's? What an unlikely combination.</p>

<p>argh. Too bad I started reading manga after the SATs</p>

<p>same here lol.</p>

<p>I'm working on Naruto right now...I'm on volume 2 of 30+...oh boy....</p>

<p>Hmmm..."Death Note"....seems like another manga I am going to have to put on my list of "Manga to Read." To Piccolojunior: If you think "Naruto" is long, "Inuyasha" has over 50 volumes!! (That's alot of reading)</p>

<p>The words in bold that they designated in the article weren't really difficult vocabulary words... if they're like that in the manga it probably won't help. I would think of it more as a ploy to let kids convince their parents to let them buy manga.</p>

<p>Death Note is probably the most original manga i've ever read. its very creative</p>

<p>Put a "was" in place of the "is." </p>

<p>After chapter 59 it went INCREDIBLY downhill, and the last few chapters were horrible, tos ay the least.</p>

<p>it seems like a good way...
especially if you can convince your parents it counts as studying!</p>

<p>reading anything will improve your reading score, it doesn't just have to be manga.</p>