<p>Remember those good old Kaplan novels chock full of SAT Vocabulary words? Well, now they're going up a level...towards manga ;) </p>
Forget your parents test prep - this isnt your older siblings either. Global educational services provider Kaplan and TOKYOPOP, one of the worlds leading youth-oriented entertainment brands, are bringing a lot more ZAM and POW to the SAT and ACT prep experiences with the release of the Kaplan SAT/ACT Vocabulary-Building Manga series. This series of popular graphic novels features manga the Japanese word for comics and print cartoons with hundreds (more than 300 in each graphic novel) of frequently tested words on these essential* college admissions exams to create a unique set of test prep comics.
<p>I wonder how they managed that. I mean, 300 vocabulary words in a novel isn't hard, but in a graphic novel that's majority picture...interesting.</p>
<p>LOL, read death note bro (or sis...w/e). It's one of the most intelligent mangas out there (and one of the best for the first 50 - 60 chapters)...just make sure you don't read the last 10 chapters because they truly SUCK. In the end, Ohba-san is just a pathetic feminist who wants to make two intelligent men look like crazy criminals. Ohba FTMFL</p>
<p>(That's the name of the storyline writer btw)</p>
<p>^ bookwormgirl, my friends talk about those two animes ALL THE TIME...they're still trying to convert me (I don't have time for a new obsession...getting ready to over the summer tho)</p>
<p>Well, I don't know why don't just put a sticker on classics, "Helps Vocab for the SAT"...everyone acts like it's a mystery which words are on...my class frequently refers to "big words" as "SAT" words. How about, words a well-educated person should know? yeahh, just my rant. </p>
<p>But manga? That seems a little crazy. How will they do the context? Most of the mangas I've read move very quickly, so a slow-paced one, with "I'm going to be <strong><em>vocab word</em></strong>, which really means ____" might be really stupid and bring the worst of both worlds.</p>
<p>Hmmm..."Death Note"....seems like another manga I am going to have to put on my list of "Manga to Read." To Piccolojunior: If you think "Naruto" is long, "Inuyasha" has over 50 volumes!! (That's alot of reading)</p>
<p>The words in bold that they designated in the article weren't really difficult vocabulary words... if they're like that in the manga it probably won't help. I would think of it more as a ploy to let kids convince their parents to let them buy manga.</p>