Want to be a dietitian, but there's no nutrition program at school. What should I do?

<p>I'm a struggling math major. I retook a core upper level math course several times, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to pass the class for the third time in a row. I've realized that while doing math is fine, I just don't have any passion/interest for it. </p>

<p>The only other area I'm even remotely interested in is Nutrition. However, there's no nutrition program (or anything related to it) at my school. I've talked to the health science department, but they do not plan on having a nutrition program in the near future. And, when I was looking over the courses in health science, I realized that maybe four of them in total have any relation to nutrition. The rest of the courses are more towards health science administration.</p>

<p>I've thought of transferring schools, but it is too late to apply for 2013-2014. Should I major in health science anyway, and try to apply for the year after (2014-2015)?</p>

<p>Or should I just give up this whole notion of "follow my passion" and major in business administration with an accounting concentration, something I have absolutely no interest in but is the only major where at least one class from my math program transfers?</p>

<p>For nutrition, you generally need some background in biology and chemistry. What about a biology major and then pursue a nutrition program at the grad level?
You also could major in another field (e.g., psychology, biological anthropology, or exercise science/kinesiology), but you’d still need some biology and chemistry background to do nutrition at the grad level or as a transfer. Ultimately, you might have to transfer or do the nutrition program at grad level since you’ll need an approved internship to become a dietitian.</p>