Want To Know About SAT Score Reports?

<p>I took the SAT and randomly chose 4 colleges to send the scores to. Now I'm having second thoughts. I know I can cancel, but if i cancel it can i send my score after I have received my SAT score and considered my possibilities. I also want to know if I didn't use my first chance(sending scores for 4 colleges) can I use it after I have received my SAT test score, </p>

<p>And btw do you know how to send your SAT score after you receive your SAT test score?</p>

<p>When you apply to colleges, college board has to have your SAT scores sent to colleges and also put on your transcript. You can either use your four schools when you register, however you do not know what scores you got. Buyt when you apply to colleges, you have to pay a slight fee, but atleast you know your scores.</p>