I registered for the December SAT's as a Sunday test taker. I didn't feel very well all weekend and on Saturday I decided to see a doctor so I might be better by the test. Instead, the doctor sent me to the hospital and I was admitted for two days. I have my admission ticket of the Dec test as a proof I registered, and I can show a letter that confirms I was admitted. Will colleges be kind enough to consider my late scores? I know I better individually contact each one, but what do you guys think? Even if I had a good reason not to take it before, I still think it still might be too late for some schools to review my app. Am I wrong?</p>
<p>Most colleges I know of accept the Jan. SAT (you need to rush scores), but it's a good idea to contact those you are applying to and make sure (or look up their websites).
Hope you're feeling better.</p>