Was at the hospital the day of the SAT's...

I registered for the December SAT's as a Sunday test taker. I didn't feel very well all weekend and on Saturday I decided to see a doctor so I might be better by the test. Instead, the doctor sent me to the hospital and I was admitted for two days. I have my admission ticket of the Dec test as a proof I registered, and I can show a letter that confirms I was admitted. Will colleges be kind enough to consider my late scores? I know I better individually contact each one, but what do you guys think? Even if I had a good reason not to take it before, I still think it still might be too late for some schools to review my app. Am I wrong?</p>

<p>You are wrong. Simply talk to the colleges, and they will be understanding. Make sure to tell them that you were in the hospital and provide documenting evidence that you were. Contrary to what some people belive, college admissions people have hearts, are real people not gods, and do get sick. They will be understanding of your late score.</p>

<p>Thank you so much!!! I will contact them all tomorrow!</p>

<p>If you don't show up for a SAT session, nothing is reported by the College Board. It doesn't show that you registered and didn't take it. The January test can be taken and those scores will get to the colleges in time for RD. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to contact the colleges and let them know that you are taking the test in Jan instead of Dec.</p>