<p>Hi Everyone!! </p>
<p>This is my first time posting on this website and I just wanted to ask for some opinions. Recently I was accepted into both UF and UCF. In the end, I choose UCF because after visiting the two campuses, I found UCF to feel right for me! But now, as I'm reading other thread regarding UCF, I not so sure that I made the overall "best" decision. I love UCF and the Orlando area but as time passes, I'm not so sure about the decision and I need to know how are things like a UCF to reassure myself. I also wouldn't mind hearing some things of UF as well! I plan to pursue an MBA at another school obviously, but for now I want to focus on UCF! </p>
<p>Thanks! :)</p>
<p>If it feels right, than it was right. You’ll be getting an incredible education for your field, and emerging with a great portfolio from UCF, which more than makes up for it’s lack of prestige.</p>
<p>It’s where you’ll be happy, and if you had chosen a place where you felt uncomfortable, then your grades would most likely suffer from the added stress of feeling like you just don’t belong.</p>
<p>Thanks, how is UCF like anyways? I’ve visited a couple times and found it to be a nice, chill place. One of the biggest turn offs that UF had for me was being like the 3rd school in the nation for being a party school (among other things) which I can live without. I’m curious to know how UCF life is!? (chill, exciting, tense, etc. etc. etc.)</p>
<p>Theres parties at every school. Whether they’re known as a “party school” or not. In fact, I find it difficult to find people that do other things on the weekends besides get plastered at all the clubs around here.</p>
<p>I think it will be whatever you make of it! I’m feeling the same as you though, wondering what it’s going to be like for me =]</p>
<p>@domrom1 Well that’s obvious, but there are obviously the different levels of parting and UF apparently takes it to the max. I feel as though at UCF I can probably find somewhere/something else to go or do</p>
<p>@Arifriekinel When term you get accepted too and i hope it works out too ^^, tired of those people who say “OMG you turned down UF, what’s wrong with you!”</p>
<p>LOL at the turning down UF thing, I did the same. I was like UCF’s ambassador at my high school towards the end of senior year. Defending UCF’s honor against those ruthless Gators lol. But I still stand by my theory, college is so big and has so many people its like a city. I don’t think one school has more intense partying than another.</p>
<p>I still haven’t gotten a reply, but when I do, trust me, EVERYONE on CC will know XD</p>
<p>And yeah domrom… I’m sort of the same. However, I do kinda have a reputation for being the smartest girl at my school, so it doesn’t take much from me to convince people I made the right decision. They ALWAYS ask why I didn’t want UF or FSU though… Argh!</p>
<p>Those gators are so annoying with their damn “prestige”. Honestly, I’d rather be happy at UCF then be miserable with prestige at UF. Going back to the partying, I feel as though at UCF you have some other options other then that where as at UF your trapped in Gainsville with NOTHING to do other then party or watch football!</p>
<p>@Arifriekinel Hope everything works out then ^^, almost everyone I know that applied to UCF still haven’t gotten a response. Anybody know why???</p>
<p>Because they have a LOT of applicants and, from what I’ve heard, a bad admissions dpt. I’d definitely agree with the fact that there’s more to do than partying. I go down to Orlando from Jacksonville just to hang out sometimes, because there’s so much to do!</p>
<p>Exactly, in the end its Orlando > Gainsville </p>
<p>And to those annoying people who criticize, what’s wrong with doing Grad school at UF?? Isn’t that what really matters?? lol</p>
<p>:P Well, neither of them are really even considered by half of the people for Grad school, except for Video Game designers at FIEA. Like me, I initially wanted to transfer to MIT after UCF, but FIEA is soo great, I’m having a really hard time choosing.</p>
<p>Good point lol</p>
<p>UF would be like my last choice for Grad School, I honestly don’t know where I want to go to Grad school but I would want to go somewhere OUTSIDE the state of FL :P</p>
<p>XD Until I realized how closely FIEA fit my needs, I wanted to go elsewhere too. I think it’d be good to travel, but I can always teach English as a foreign language or something :P</p>
<p>Very true, but we got some time before thinking about that! Lol</p>
<p>Did you apply for on campus housing? what would u recommend?</p>
<p>I still haven’t been accepted, so I can’t, I don’t think D:</p>
<p>Awww lame
<p>Hope you get in!! I’m just gonna go with Lake Claire and hope for the best with my random roommate!! Lol</p>
<p>Yeah, whatever I do, I want a random roommate… I think that would be so great =]</p>
<p>I just hope that I dont get the roommate with a polar opposite personality!! XD</p>
<p>But then a comedy of errors would ensue, and all sorts of stereotypical hijinx could happen. Don’t ya watch moviess?</p>