Washington D.C.'s trees are being killed...


<p>Has anyone ever noticed all the beautiful, mature, trees in the center of the city (around the mall and government buildings)? One of the great things about D.C. is the abundance of green spaces. Well, a good number of those trees, whose replacement would take decades, are suffering from mismanagement that will eventually kill them.</p>

<p>How? They are being girdled at their base with those heavy iron grates, that have become too small for the trees' growing diameters. Whereas those grates were meant to be removed one ring at a time as the trees grew, they have been left intact, thus the trees are slowly being strangled.</p>

<p>If you think D.C. is hot in the summer -- which it is -- imagine how hot it will be when treeless!</p>

<p>So sad, because those vital creations of nature cannot simply be replaced overnight.</p>

<p>Someone needs to be alerted, but who? Doe anyone in charge care?</p>

<p>Agreed. More greenery around the national mall would be fabulous…it’s very barren</p>