Watts in room

<p>Im guessing that the 600 watts limit applies to computers as well :(. That means I'm gonna have to get a new computer to take to college lol. Mine has a 1 kilowatt power supply.</p>

<p>I know this is just rambling but I'm hoping that somehow I can get around the 600 limit for my computer :)</p>

<p>O yea and has anyone seen the new 1024MB NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GX2 . LOL what is the world coming to. I never thought I would see a 1GB graphics card</p>

<p>I have never heard of a one kilowatt power supply, you must have an extremely hardcore desktop!</p>

<p>well just to let you know I'm not a rich spoiled kid lol... I actually won 5000 dollars from a halo 2 tournament in the town I live in... then I bought a nice comp thinking I could take it to college. Guess not :( Shoulda invested the money lol</p>

<p>The RAs don't run around checking the wattage on microwaves. It says we're not allowed to have christmas lights in our rooms, but my RA had some in hers. However, try not to burn the place down. If you want to play by the rules, though, can your stuff run off of a smaller power supply? You can just replace it.</p>

<p>You won $5000 in a Halo 2 tournament? You'll fit right in at CMU. You shall earn the undying respect of your gamer peers by pwning them at Halo 2.</p>

How many others were in the competition, do you practice daily?</p>

<p>i would love to try my hand at some competitions!!</p>

<p>and SISIS do u by any chance have more than 1 GPU's in SLI??....'cause those suck up a hell lot of power...</p>

<p>yea i have Dual 512MB nVidia GeForce 7900 GTX </p>

<p>and there where somwhere near the number of 100 people at the tournament (50 bucks). It's funny because I live in a pretty small town too (12000 ppl). But yea I used to practice everyday in online rumble pit but I actually haven't played in any serious compititions since just because I now have a gf, job, and I play WoW now lol... but I'll def. be rdy for ya'all when I come to CMU haha.</p>

<p>Anyways, so I take it they don't actually count the watts?</p>

<p>They won't come to your room and be like "Hey you have too many watts!" My next-door neighbor last year was running like 3 computers and the Mother of All Sound Systems off a single wall socket, and all was well (except for his unfortunate neighbors who had to suffer the wrath of said Mother of All Sound Systems). You should be OK.</p>

<p>I have a 550 watt in mine, so I'm kosher for passover :D</p>

<p>which brings me to my next question, are sound systems looked down upon?</p>

<p>Bring your sound system, but PLEASE be considerate about it. If you have it on loudly, close the door to your room (the girl across the hall from me never understood that). Don't play it loudly after 11 or 12 at night, even on weekends. Not everyone wants to party all night long, and even those who do might not like your taste in music. If anyone on your hall ever asks you to turn down your music, chances are that person has been upset with the sound before, but didn't want to say something, so never have it that loud again. If your roommate is in the room, ask them if it's okay for you to play music.</p>

<p>yea I just bought a pathetic 70 watt speaker system... I'm leaving the 550 watt one here lol... Im gonna miss that comp :(</p>

<p>How many watts where you're speakers clutch?</p>

<p>speakers? its a 5.1 speaker system for my computer, so the sub is 150w, and each satellite is 70w</p>

<p>i don't really use it though ... the headphones sound soo much better (shures)</p>

<p>wat abt a hair dryer?!...i have one with 1200 watts!!</p>

<p>You'll be fine.</p>