Weather for driving back

<p>^^^Thanks, m2ck. I’ll pass the message on to my son. </p>

<p>And timeflew, current condition in Honolulu is sunny skies, temp 76. But I digress. A nice swell is coming in and the surf beckons. :)</p>

<p>Aloha and Roll Tide.</p>

<p>Hmm, just looked at my earlier post and realize I meant to say trouper, not trooper. If he were the latter, I guess he’d just hop in the car, light up the rack and siren, and blaze his way back to T-Town. Must be the sun stroke that’s addled my brain.</p>

<p>^ LOL - let’s hope your son has the same sense of humor :)</p>

<p>DS got an email from one of his profs saying that due to renovation work in Woods there would be no heat - to dress warm as they would be drawing in the cold… like camping! should be interesting.</p>

<p>Bless his heart, malanai. Been stranded in Charlotte before. Wishing him a safe return to campus.</p>

<p>Sorry been so long to get on this thread, as we were wiped after our trip on Sunday, and had to go right back to work.</p>

<p>First off, MesquiteGirl, wow, what amazingly brave kids you guys are, keeping it together during your ordeal. So glad you guys are safe.</p>

<p>The snow was just falling as we left campus on Sunday around 2 pm, and son was thrilled to get to see snow. We took it slow and made it safely home, but saw many accidents both ways. Saying prayers the whole way for everyone traveling.</p>

<p>Son messaged me this morning that it was no longer snowing, but it was still cold and the sidewalks were wet.</p>

<p>We cautioned him to be careful walking on campus, as he was going out to do his practice walk of his classes today.</p>

<p>Wishing all of you a safe and successful semester.</p>

<p>Take care!</p>

<p>Malanai: your son will have a good story at least! Are there any other UA students stuck with him?</p>

<p>Montegut: I bet we passed in the elevator. I was the crazy mom running out of Ridgecrest West saying “gotta go!” to my D around 1pm ;)</p>

<p>Well my son made it to BHM last night at 9 pm after his first flight was cancelled and we had to book a later flight for him. The University shuttle didn’t want to venture out last night since they felt the roads were too dangerous. SO what did they do? They put him and some other UA students up at a hotel near the airport and then picked him up this morning at 11 am…so close to spending the night at the airport. Thanks UA again for taking care of your students.</p>

<p>Thanks all for your kind words. RobD, he hasn’t identified any UA students among the horde yet. However, he just notified me that he’s seen a couple of Auburn students and is working on striking a peace accord with them. They’re presently bickering about whether to call it the Roll Eagle Treaty or the War Tide Proclamation. :)</p>

<p>will be a relief when all our kids are back in Bama where they belong! Thank god for this message board, can you imagine the lack of info without it? You all rock! RTR!</p>

<p>Things must have improved dramatically in T-Town. My son called this evening. He and a friend were shopping at the mall. Then, they were going out to dinner.</p>

<p>Well after getting errands run and Katie unpacked and all we had to make a trIp to the ER.</p>

<p>Hsband cut himself with box cutter!! </p>

<p>A few hours later znd we finally got to leave at 530.</p>

<p>So we are on the way home now. Should arrive at 330ish.</p>

<p>The fun never ends!!!</p>

<p>Well said, AL34! </p>

<p>bassettmomma, for real?! I’ve heard of airlines taking care of stranded passengers, but this is first for universities. Bama has really gone above and beyond! Unheard of for a large, state school. RTR!</p>

<p>Malanai, let us know when you son gets in. Like Mesquite, sounds like he has memorable stories to tell.</p>

<p>S arrived safely in UA this afternoon. His flight connected through Orlando and other than a longer wait for the 1pm shuttle, he said his travels were thankfully uneventful. Was able to get his books from the Supe and Paty and says there’s no snow on the ground. </p>

<p>He left home at just the right time because six hours later, the roads here are snow-covered and horrendous with the worst of it yet to come.</p>

<p>DH drove DS from Virginia today. Said it was a tough drive. One lane open thru Georgia. Lots of cars that had been in accidents in the last couple of days still on the sides of the road. He said our side of Bham was TERRIBLE but the other side and on to Tuscaloosa was much improved! They arrived safely tonight thank goodness! Hope everyone makes it to class tomorrow. ROLL TIDE!</p>



<p>Will do, sophocles. He found a relatively quiet part of the concourse with free wi-fi and an electrical outlet, so he’s able to amuse himself with his laptop (and books). We even had a chance to do a video chat.</p>

<p>By the time he gets to Tuscaloosa, he’ll have been on the road, as it were, for about 36 hours. In the immortal words of my dear friend, MikeW, bleh!</p>

<p>Bamafana: I heard that there were tons of tractor trailers still stuck on 20/59 through GA & AL. Glad they got to campus safe!</p>

<p>Malanai: at least he’s found other SEC kids :wink: Love the treaty names.</p>

<p>Bassettmomma: that is amazing about putting the kids up in a hotel. If anyone ever questions UA’s commitment to their students, that story should put things in perspective. </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Malanai: Hope your son makes it to campus without any further difficulties. I am sure that any classes he misses will have other students missing too.</p>

<p>MikeW: Glad to hear that the medical emergency wasn’t too serious.</p>

<p>Wishing all our students a great first day of the new semester! :)</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Idinct – DS is admitted student for Fall 2011. Still not 100% sure he’ll be going to Bama. If he advances from NMSF to NMF, then it will be a certainty! It’s pretty hard to beat “FREE.”</p>

<p>Lost my mom 18 years ago, right before DS was born. Will keep your mom in my prayers!</p>

<p>Still have relatives up North: Dad in assisted living village in NH; sister in Lowell, Mass.; brother in southern Vermont. I seem to remember that thery got hammered last year, too!</p>

<p>So glad the Bama kids are arriving safely. This weather stinks!! Can’t wait for warm spell.</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE and come on, Spring!</p>

<p>MikeW–your poor DH! A trip to the ER is no fun at all…and after all that other stuff, whew!</p>

<p>home … finally!</p>

<p>no more exciting news to report!</p>

<p>thanks for all the well wishes along the way!</p>

<p>: )</p>

<p>MikeW: Welcome Home! </p>

<p>If anyone is interested, New York is getting blasted with heavy snow!!</p>

<p>Mike: so happy that you’re home safe & sound! Get some rest.</p>

<p>RobotBldMom: I talked to my SIL in NJ last night & they were expecting a lot. Yuck.</p>