
<p>I went to orientation this past weekend and while we were there we had to make our schedules. I’m required to take a foreign language class, but at the time they were ALL full. I asked one of the helper people what I should do and she told me I would have to wait for a class to open up. I asked her if I could add/remove/change my classes at home and she told me yes. So today I logged onto studenlink and they finally had some open foreign language classes, so when I tried to add a class, it told me that those classes were open to current orientation students only. I was just wondering what I should do? I’m at a complete loss right now. Without a foreign language class, I won’t even have enough credits to keep my scholarship. I’m probably overreacting, but I’m completely frustrated right now.</p>

<p>Webreg is pretty temperamental. Just check back every so often and I'm sure it will give you a chance to register. I have been able to access webreg the past few days so if it doesn't work for you soon enough, I'd contact your advisor and just have them administratively put you in.</p>

<p>You have to look at what times it will be available to you. During orientation sessions, webreg is only open to those orientation students.</p>

<p>You should be able to find a calendar that tells you when it will be open to everyone/when it will be open only to orientation students.</p>

<p>There are many many many things you can do if you don't get the class. Keep in mind that I changed my schedule completely about 3 times after orientation last year. You can either sign up for some other class that will fulfill some major requirement, or you can take an add/drop form to a foreign language professor on the first day of classes. Even though the class is full, they'll likely accept a few more people.</p>

<p>EDIT: There's also a decent chance of more of them opening up.</p>

<p>I looked at that calendar and I've tried going on every free day that was listed so far, but it says "WebReg is currently not available". IDK... I'll figure something out. I'll just keep trying.</p>

<p>Make sure you're trying during the day and not the middle of the night (or even after 10pm...)</p>

<p>haha. I finally got it to work for me. There still aren't any open foreign language classes. There are a couple of openings for French 101, but it says to register with the department or something like that. I really don't want to take French, but I will if I have to. I was kind of hoping for Spanish. Do you think if I call my advisor that they can just manually put me into a class, or at least be able to tell me if anymore are going to open up?</p>