<p>As..i see is the case for many of you, I grew up fairly sharp but I spent more time figuring out how to get away with out doing something than doing something. </p>
<p>Lived in Austria for 4 years than came back to America for a last year of middle school and high school. Lost interest, had a 3.5gpa/27 act enough to go to a state school. Realize I had potential when I got a 4.0, although I just took standard low level gen ed's along with the genbio's and genchems for the Pre-med major first year.
This year took Orgo,Generics,Anatomy & Phys, Physics (15 credits), and Anatomy 2, Humanities, Oral Comm, German IV, Undergrad research credit and got all A's except incomplete 1 course (organic) due to missing school for..some complicated medical reasons. Have now finished organic chemistry and second semester took a full load.</p>
<p>Still have a 4.0, bi-lingual, moderately involved..bible studies, net neutrality grassroots voters network,did varsity swimming in high school etc. Immuno-histo-chemistry undergrad research with a professor. Other random stuff. (my hook being I'm bilingual and attended an austrian public school for 4 years)</p>
<p>Right now I'm on the wait-list for Boston college, I applied last minute and didn't get a chance to pick out other safety schools (also wrote a subpar essay in the short time) because I just thought I would give it a shot.<br>
However through the application process I've realized that even if I don't get in I want to finish up at a better school. Say Emory, Notre dame, John Hopkins or something along those lines, maybe even a shot at an Ivy.
Unfortunately I decided to apply to the school with the lowest transfer rate, 1800 applicants for 75 spots this year.. or (4 percent). Also It was going against me that I'd already taken so many pre-med classes because of the criteria of BC's premed program to be mostly completed at the institution.</p>
<p>Here's my predicament, this is my last chance to transfer or I'll have been in to long. I really want to finish up at a better school even if I don't get into Boston College. What are my best options,.. what can I do? I don't mind spending 5 years in undergrad I was kind of planning to get in a double major with a German minor anyways. Do I take a semester or year off, to do something fun like searching for an internship at a clockmaker in Europe while taking time to apply and get into a really good undergrad program? Or should I just finish up my undergrad where I am, will it hurt me to much as a premed major to take time off.</p>
<p>I just am not sure what all my options are and what the consequences would be, I appreciate any insight you might have. Also, I have accumulated a minimal amount of debt so far, so financially i don't have a burden I want to be at a place that stimulates me.</p>