Weighting Grades?

<p>I realized that when everyone cited their GPA, they cited unweighted and weighted. My school only has unweighted grades and I would like to know how weighting functions.</p>

<p>some schools use a weighting process where the give more wight to AP and honors classes. So maybe an A = 4.0 nonhonors, 4.3 honors, 4.6 AP (many schools have diffirent weighing systems). This system is usually used to encourage kids to take more demanding and difficult classes. It also prevents kids from taking all nonhonor classes and becoming val or sal. Most colleges will look at your rank and then look at your transcript and use their own system to create a gpa. So there is no need for you to create a “weighted gpa.”</p>

<p>At my school college level classes are weighted by a factor of 1.1. If you recieve an unweighted grade of 90 in AP Calc, then it would be a weighted 99.</p>

<p>At my school an A in a regular or advanced course is a 4 and an A in an AP or IB class is a 5. I took all AP and IB classes this year so my GPA for this year was a 5.0.</p>