Weinberg 4-year ba/ma Program

<p>Does anyone know anything about NU's 4-year master's program? I am considering it for Political Science, and was wondering if anyone knew anything, particularly current students or just anyone in the know could shed some light. Would I basically just be filling up all of my electives with Political Science classes? Would I have to declare my intention of doing this freshman year, or is it kind of something that would just happen once i took all the classes and wrote a thesis or something? How does it affect my ability to participate in the special programs such as Honors? Also, will it look good for admission to law school, or is it better that I try to balance my schedule between more subjects? I'll probably be a legal aid lawyer or a public defender for a living, but I'm most interested in politics and might want to work for candidates or the DNC or something or even serve in the state legislature, so I want to do as much in the way of Political Science as possible. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks</p>

<p>bump .</p>

<p>seriously anyone know anything at all?</p>