Your admission application was forwarded to us by our sister UC campuses. We noticed your exceptional G.P.A. and your commitment to being the best you can be. We are impressed with YOU and would like to offer you admission to UC Riverside!</p>
You have been admitted to UC Riverside for Fall 2009.</p>
<p>Youre on your way to a UC degree!</p>
<p>Your personal admission packet is on its waybe watching for it in the mail. It will help you with the next steps to enrollment at this world-class university. In the meantime, begin the process by creating your own personal MyUCR account. With a MyUCR account you'll be able to get the latest information about your admission, learn about campus events planned just for you, and get information about the college of your major. Learn more about UC Riverside today.</p>
<p>Choose UC Riverside!</p>
<p>(theres a picture of a guy sitting on earth playing an electric guitar at the end)</p>
<p>It was sent by <a href="mailto:support_939259@crm.orionondemand.com">support_939259@crm.orionondemand.com</a>. I already declined their offer when they offered me admission 1-2 months ago. Is this an imposter?</p>